Due Date

Due Date

By Todd Phillips

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2010-11-05
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 35min
  • Director: Todd Phillips
  • Production Company: Legendary Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 5,457 Ratings


Robert Downey Jr. plays Peter Highman, an expectant first-time father whose wife's due date is only days away. As he hurries to catch a flight home to Los Angeles from Atlanta to be at her side for the birth, his best intentions go completely awry when a chance encounter with aspiring actor and disaster-magnet Ethan Tremblay (Zach Galifianakis) leads to the two of them being tossed off the plane and placed on a no-fly list...while Peter's luggage, wallet and ID take off without him. With no alternatives in sight, Peter is forced to hitch a ride with Ethan and his canine traveling companion on what turns out to be a cross-country road trip that will destroy several cars, numerous friendships and Peter's last nerve.



  • Funny

    By nickname...here
    This isn’t classic or noteworthy film...it’s a silly comedy. It’s never pretended to be otherwise. I actually liked this movie when it came out, it’s hilarious. I never understood the low ratings it got because RDJ and ZG we’re both great in this. I liked it better than the Hangover franchise (only the first two were funny and they’ve been way overplayed). If you haven’t seen it, give it a try, I would be surprised if you disliked it...especially if you’re a fan of either of the stars, or Danny McBride.
  • in love with it

    By didjdbdjdnsksn
    such a brilliant movie
  • Good Movie

    By Tcornwell1234
    2 great actors in this movie. I am a huge fan of zach galifianakis and he had some funny moments. This movie was not amazing but it is a decent watch,due to the actors.
  • Had Me Laughing

    By Jeffrey92r
    This movie was funny as mess! If you enjoy the trailer to this movie and it catches your interest, then I would recommend this movie to you!
  • Planes,Trains, and Automobiles

    By TCarullo
    Very funny, but this just like the movie Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Watch the movie if you haven't.
  • Due Date

    By kw0629
    Great movie it's funny with things unexpected to come. So get watching!
  • Wouldn't do it again

    By CPR Training Nurse
    A few funny lines, way to much use of the F word and about the worse movie I have ever seen. The best part was the end. Because it was over.
  • Great!

    By 5timesB
    A very funny movie! I strongly recommend this movie!
  • Great Movie!

    By jakeypoo123
    Made me laugh so hard I could barely even breathe! I highly recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys great comedies and good actors.
  • Funniest Movie Ever

    By El Cuñado Bro
    What are you a girl or something?
