We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks

We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks

By Alex Gibney

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2013-05-24
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 9min
  • Director: Alex Gibney
  • Production Company: Global Produce
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 147 Ratings


Watch it now while it’s in theaters. From Academy Award®-winning documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney comes this gripping edge-of-your-seat thriller about Julian Assange and the creation of WikiLeaks, the controversial website that facilitated the largest security breach in U.S. history. Paralleling Assange’s rise and fall with that of Pfc. Bradley Manning, the troubled young soldier who leaked hundreds of thousands of classified documents, We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks is a “riveting, nail-bitingly tense” (Chris Nashawaty, Entertainment Weekly), multi-layered exposé about transparency in the information age and our ever-elusive search for the truth.



  • Very well done and interesting

    By Caroline Carey
    The documentary took a comprehensive view on the website and the man and schemes behind it
  • Disappointing

    By Soheilab
    No one knows for sure if Assange sexually harassed those girls or not. But no matter what happened between him and those girls doesn't make wikileaks a failure . A documentary should not fall for such an easy trap, really disappointed with film.
  • If it’s half as good as the sound track...

    By The Real Thelonious Mac
    It’s gotta be good.
  • Ok

    By EvDog2
    Good not great.
  • Just Stupid Self Promoting Tripe

    By BestRater
    Not a true story but one sided fiction perpetrated by Assange. Why our gov saw fit to even give this guy acknowledgment is befuddling. Of course his days are numbered in the limelight as his 15 min. of fame comes to an end.
  • Truth Be Told.

    By Peter Fruehling
    I went in to this thinking it was a propaganda piece but the truth about Julian Assange and his motivations comes right from his mouth. He's an anarchist in its truest form.
  • Beautifully Made; Complex Characters

    By Constantine Porphyrogennetus
    In our postmodern world, there are few words which excite stronger opinions than the word "Truth"; this film is no exception to that truth. Charting the development of WikiLeaks, from the website that exposed the financial irregularities of Icelandic banks to the global phenomenon that exposed the conduct of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, it also shows the naivety and inconsistency of Assange. His paranoia, and ironic desire to hide his own secrets are beautifully exposed in the film. I found the film fascinating; brilliantly edited with for me the best bit being the Lady Gaga moment. Manning comes across as a weak, unstable ideologue with Asaange little better. The most complex character is Lamo, the man who gave up Manning to the US authorities - he seems full of regret, broken by his own decisions and the world he lives in. WikiLeaks clearly has a role in our society, a place for whistleblowers to go. It is let down by its lack of consistency, with its own secrets and desire for non-disclosure. All governments steal secrets, do bad things, commit crimes - the question for us as a society is do we really want to know what is done in our name?
  • Crap

    By pashikikaty
    Save your money !!! Don't buy this junk !
  • Many sides to this story

    By PopLife2013
    Instead of either bashing or praising WikiLeaks, this movie takes a look at the facts. It is less concerned with emotions or speculation. It does not hold back in trying to rationalize the war crimes of the United States, but it also does not excuse Julian Assange for placing so many people's lives in jeopardy, almost sadistically, as told from his own mouth. This is a complex story, like Citizen Kane, it gets at how one can become what they mock. Good story, well told.
  • not a good movie

    By moonpath
    The movie is boring, and not well made, surprising it got so many good tomatoes above.
