Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room

Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room

By Alex Gibney

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2006-01-17
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 49min
  • Director: Alex Gibney
  • Production Company: 2929 Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 263 Ratings


Writer/director Alex Gibney examines the rise and fall of an infamous corporate juggernaut in Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. Based on the book by Fortune Magazine reporters Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind, the film explores the lengths to which the company went in order to appear incredibly profitable, and reveals how Kenneth Lay, Jeff Skilling, and other execs managed to keep their riches, while thousands of lower-level employees saw their loyalty repaid with the loss of their jobs and retirement funds.



  • french version

    By Gaby2zod
    plz first of all i wanna thanks the edito because its great movie. plz i wanna buy a french version tell me if we can help have it plzz
  • Excellent documentary.

    By Robyn Milham
    Almost depressing account of man kind at his absolute worst. Well produced and thought provoking beyond measure.
  • Thrilling

    By MovieRebel
    Hands down my favorite documentary. It's thrilling and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I loved it
  • EJA

    By PR-GALE
    This enron executive are a bunch of thief,the second worst terrorist attack pepetrate againt the americans workimg force in their history and some politician that we known who they are,they betray the trust of the americans people.The thing is that this rob still going on and is back up by the us gov.,the people in the United State are more poors this days and thank to the Mr. Ronald Reagan and the Bush clan who let this banker to perfomed a aconomic gnocide againt the United State.I feel sad for the retire,the workers,the veterans and those who every day strugle to sustain their family.United State are more poor these day becuese of this thiefs.
  • Very informative

    By TxstateCat
    This movie is great and there is a lot to be learned from it. Even if you haven't found yourself following these big corporate corruption stories, this is a great story. My only complaint is that the volume of the file is very low and I have to turn the volume on my television/iPod/iPad way up to hear all of the dialogue.
  • Worth Seeing Once

    By dréwstå
    A great re-cap and summarization. Enough to make you angry again.
  • Well done....

    By G-dawggie
    I could watch this a hundred times and still be fascinated - and enraged.
  • Makes you think

    By fashionista_boi
    After the waves of anger within me had subsided, I started to think about the American dream and corporate culture, fostered the Enron tragedy. Evidently, nobody on Wall Street learned the lessons in 2001, as Enron's story was repeated in 2007 - this time with the whole American financial structure collapsing. Striking similarities could be drawn between the collapse of Enron and the financial crisis. Culturally, both disasters were driven by greed and unreal (and unwarranted) ambitions of early retirement; and the testosterone-driven macho culture of the workplace that creates a hostile environment where noone could compromise their pride, even for their own good. Financially, both cases are reminiscent of a ponzi scheme, a bubble which executives kept blowing air (or borrowed money) into just to meet their bottomlines, but soon enough it burst and once again middle-class America is forced to clean up. When will we learn?
  • Scary and it should be on every business school major's list to watch

    By Danamite73
    It's a shame Lay died before he could serve any time. Schilling is serving his time and so are the innocent people of Houston. The background information tells the entire story and helps to build the scene for the collapse. This wasn't something that happened overnight. Good watch!!
  • compelling work......

    By ?The Who?
    a stunning indictment of the inhumanity of the capitalistic engine...as well as the corporation [as an entity] ....this is a true morality tale that's sobering in the sense that the american dream in all of it's hope and promise is becoming more elusive GOD'S AWAY ON BUSINESS [indeed]
