The Four Musketeers

The Four Musketeers

By Richard Lester

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1975-02-26
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Richard Lester
  • Production Company: Film Trust S.A.
  • Production Country: Spain, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 190 Ratings


In the sequel to The Three Musketeers, Milady is back and determined to make the Musketeers - Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan - pay for foiling her plot to discredit the Queen of France.



  • Love this movie!

    By jer.clifford17
    Will TOTALLY buy this movie once Three Musketeers is available to buy on iTunes.
  • Ground Breaking for it's time

    By Fly dye
    This movie and it's predecessor came out in the 70's. The screnplay was written by George Macdonald Fraser, who also wrote the 'Flashman' series of books about a scounderal who, even doing dispicable things, always profited in the end. In some ways, Fraser is a modern day Marquis De Sade, except without the fetishes. This show truly showcased, in a light hearted manner, the flaws in our heros, as they stole, drank, wenched and caused trouble through 16th Century France. These are bawdier characters than Dumas wrote. Also, this film showed a distinct difference between films of yore. There is no Errol Flyn here, with him arrogantly passing strokes with his foe in well coreographed swordplay. No. Here Rochefort and D'Artangean are exhausted, heaving and trading clumsy strokes. This was a whimsical blast from the past. All of the actors did a first rate job, and Charelton Heston is amazing in his role. They used the Welch with a very light touch, unfortunately, though she was probably the weakest performer in the lot. It has aged poorly, since so many of the groundbreaking things it was renowned for has become old hat (flawed heros etc) but it is a fun ride. Porthos should be the star of the show. He is twice as effective of the other 3 easily. Check the body counts.
  • All for one...

    By awaz16
    As great as I remembered. Finally on Apple TV!
  • Finally!

    By Rwhitlow3
    This is one of the movies I have been waiting for on HD(also, Run Lola, Run, Akira, and Le Femme Nikita)
