Superman III

Superman III

By Richard Lester

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1983-06-17
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 2h 4min
  • Director: Richard Lester
  • Production Company: Dovemead Films
  • Production Country: Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,722 Ratings


Richard Pryor and Annette O'Toole (Smallville) join the familiar cast of Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, and Margot Kidder for this blockbuster third installment in the wildly popular film series. In this outing, which takes much more of a comic tone than its predecessors, Superman battles a supercomputer and the evil businessman exploiting it. As Clark Kent (Reeve) and Lana Lang (O'Toole) become reacquainted at their high school reunion, a megalomaniac tycoon hatches a plan to use the supercomputer to achieve world domination--and only Superman can stop it. At one point, the scientist's meddling with Kryptonite causes Superman to split into two people, one good and one evil!



  • Superman three not bad

    By fftctfhfth
    Superman three is ok I don't know why everyone says it is bad
  • Such an underrated movie.

    By Iacon6
    Sure it has it’s problems, but it’s a fantastic film.
  • Note to iTunes

    By JacobKitts
    I bought the 6-film Superman set. This film is categorized as Sci-Fi when it should be Action & Adventure. This is the only Superman film in this category, and it's preventing the Superman films from being sorted properly in my library.
  • It's not bad...

    By Juliofrank83
    I just finished watching this for the first time, ever! I don't like it, but it's a totally different take on The Man of Tomorrow, in which there's no arch enemy(Lex Luthor), just a hacker looking for a job... However, towards the end, we do get a glimpse of what could have been Cyborg-Superman.
  • Great

    By Espalcul
    Best superman movie to date.
  • All downhill from here

    By Lebron Kenney
    Overusing gags and Richard Pryor. One of the worst superhero movies ever
  • Lol

    By veritas.42
    Worst movie ever made
  • Worst superman movie ever!!!!

    By Eddie3961
    I would of give it no stars, poor story, its all of what a superman movie shouldn't be.
  • I get it!

    By OoooooooreviewoooooOobv
    I get all the hate for the movie! I do! I can understand! But give it a chance! It's fun to watch. It's hilarious. This film has the best effects of the series. It is campy and if you are not a movie apologist like I am it is highly illogical. Give it a chance!
  • I enjoy this movie

    By Dashing jhot
    The thought that we get to see another side to superman is cool. It's almost like Bizzaro.
