Logan's Run

Logan's Run

By Michael Anderson

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1976-06-23
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 58min
  • Director: Michael Anderson
  • Production Company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 953 Ratings


Futuristic thriller stars Michael York (Cabaret) as a policeman seeking to escape the confines of a hedonistic and domed society where people who reach 30 are exterminated. With Farrah Fawcett (TV's Charlie's Angels, The Burning Bed) and Oscar-winner Peter Ustinov (Spartacus). Nominated for three Academy Awards, it received a special Oscar for its dazzling visual effects.



  • Great movie!

    By Pinkpig3777
    When I was a young teen my mom showed me this movie. At the time I thought it was very strange and I pretty much forgot about it. But I eventually started remembering a particular scene and asked my parents if they could think of any old movie with that scene- turns out it was this one! I rewatched it and really enjoyed it! It’s old but great for its time! And the ending is more in-depth than some movies choose to be- which makes it more enjoyable to finish.
  • Dated and a bit hokey but good sci-fi

    By Furutan1
    If you are looking for a seventies sci-fi film that explores an interesting idea, this will do it. It is technically dated, with a combination of elaborately fake sets, models, and existing locations, and the soundrack is made with with some very primitive synthesizers. Even so, it' an okay film. Dating from the days of such future-gone-wrong films as Omega Man and Soylent Green, Logan's Run was among a then-new genre that over the following forty years would result in many hit films and bring many a-list stars into the fold. If you're approaching 30 and feel the need to renew, this film is for you.
  • A Guilty Pleasure

    By PhotoJock
    This movie set the bar for special effects when it first came out. Although quite cheesy by todays standards, its still a guilty pleasure. The themes of a utopia, with a catch still resonate. Its defiantly a cult classic, and ripe for a remake with digital effects and a tighter storyline. the music score is classic Jerry Goldsmith.
  • Definitely a Cult Classic

    By Besameelculo
    As cheesy as most of the effects were it made an impression on me when I saw it the first time. This movie deserves to be in my collection!
