In Search of the Castaways

In Search of the Castaways

By Robert Louis Stevenson

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1962-12-19
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 1h 38min
  • Director: Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Production Company: Walt Disney Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 73 Ratings


Embark on an amazing adventure awash with intrigue over land and sea. Hayley Mills stars as fearless Mary Grant, whose only clue to her missing father – a sea captain – is a mysterious message in a bottle. One clue leads to a thousand thrills when Mary, her brother and their fellow searchers must brave earthquakes, fire, flood and even a giant condor on their perilous rescue mission.



  • In Search of the Castaways

    By tthenrie
    I first saw this in the theaters as a child, then a number of times on The Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday afternoons. This movie was as much of a rush for me as Star Wars is to children today. I love this movie and every once in a while I just have to watch it again. The cinematography and special effects aren’t what we’ve come to expect in today’s movies, but they were absolutely stunning and state-of-the-art when the movie was produced. I think I was a little in love with Haley Mills back then as well. Those memories still produce the thrill.
  • Fabulous Old-Fashioned Entertainment!

    By pcglenn
    I grew up watching this movie, and while it may be counted as one of Disney's "lesser" efforts, it remains one of my favorites. Hayley Mills is adorable in this film, and the adventure kept me on the edge of my seat. Having just re-watched it, I can admit that the film is dated, but it's lost none of its charm. Great little flick, wish I could buy it.
  • Read the Jules Verne Book Instead

    By Drennyn
    The only thing this movie has in common w/the book is the fact that they're searching for Captain Grant. Characters are nothing like they are in the book, and sometimes even swapped around. Sure, most movies based on literature will take some artistic license, but this is a little extreme. May have well been titled "Castaways, inspired by the Jules Verne book which is better in every regard". So so movie. Just don't expect it to be anything like you may have read.
