

By Robert Altman

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1970-01-01
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 55min
  • Director: Robert Altman
  • Production Company: Ingo Preminger Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,048 Ratings


This classic American war comedy received an Oscar® nomination for Best Picture and spawned one of the most popular shows ever to run on television. It focuses on three army surgeons (Donald Sutherland, Elliott Gould and Tom Skerritt) who develop a lunatic lifestyle in order to handle the everyday horrors they encounter in the Korean War. Sally Kellerman, Gary Burghoff and Robert Duvall co-star in this disarming mix of slapstick, merciless fun and tragedy.



  • Love the Special let's see the TV series.

    By Retrofan5370
    The movie still holds up, almost 50 years later....This alone is quite the milestone. And I'm glad they included the various special features and documentaries on M*A*S*H, and its evolution from script to movie screen to TV series. But, lets see the TV show on iTunes. There are so many great TV shows in the past that are available here to by, but why not this one.... Many fans of the movie who have written reviews here have expressed the same interest in wanting to have the series available here to buy, why isn't it here?
  • Mash the movie

    By Tazdevil 13
    Definitely a R movie. Not as good as the series. Still a funny movie for the time
  • TV Shows

    By tgerman01
    Please bring the TV Shows to iTunes....
  • Been one of my Top Ten Favorites...My entire Life

    By Pelipen
    I couldn't begin to enumerate all the things I love about this classic movie! It's an experiential thing. Watch it, then you'll understand.
  • Not as good as the TV show

    By Pilotnh
    I've seen every episode of the TV show at least twice. Tonight I watched the movie for the first time. It was okay- sort of. I'm really surprised they went on to make the show after this but glad they did. Thank goodness the casting got much better.
  • M*A*S*H

    By Jadanolie
    When will M*A*S*H the TV series be released to purchase? I love this show 🤓 Please make the TV show available to purchase. I love this show.
  • Classic!

    By speaktruth59
    For GOD'S sake...where are the TV series episodes???
  • M*A*S*H

    By movie buff redux
    I think this is a good film. I can understand where some peoplle would be uncomfortable with the deadpan mentality that characterizes the films delivery, but all in all the negatives should be taken with a grain of salt.
  • Kinship

    By A-maxing
    My grandfather served in world war 2 and the reason he found this so funny was that he realized this was all true. War was stupid. It was crazy. It was survival. And the reason people feel such a connection with MASH is that we can base it on our own lives because we just try to get through and survive and make the best of it that we can. I never knew why but I watched this at a young age when I didn't even understand it, but somehow I felt an immediate connection, especially to Hawkeye. I've always kept a great sense of humor and sarcasm especially with friends, but really that's just to cover up for my true feelings. Maybe I'm to cowardly to say it, or maybe I just want to keep myself happy even though I do care. I just try to get through with whit and a smile. That's why I'll always remember MASH.
  • Must See Movie for Everyone

    If you like dark humor, been in the military, enjoy satire, great acting then see it.
