Dr. T & the Women

Dr. T & the Women

By Robert Altman

  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: 2001-10-23
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 1min
  • Director: Robert Altman
  • Production Company: Artisan Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 329 Ratings


Wealthy, successful gynecologist Sullivan Travis (Richard Gere) loves his seemingly perfect life. Unfortunately, his wife has a sudden mental breakdown, his lesbian daughter prepares to tie the knot with a man, daughter No. 2 obsesses over conspiracies, and his sister-in-law imbibes a gallon or two of champagne daily. Luckily, Travis discovers a woman (Helen Hunt) who may hold the answers to his problems.



  • Can not be worse

    By Phessor
    This is among the worst films ever made. You will not make it to the end unless you fall asleep.
  • Seriously the WORST movie I have ever seen

    By kaitlynbb
    How I managed to watch the whole thing I will never know but OMG check out the ending. It makes no sense what so ever and puts a horrible cap on a horrible movie. The fact that I just saw critics actually liked this POS, prompted me to give a review. I actually saw this many years ago in the theatres and to this day I talk about it being the worst movie I have EVER seen. Unless you are looking for a story about the worst movie of all time then I would avoid this movie at all costs.
  • What Just Happened?

    By Katie*H
    After reading the first page or two of reviews, I decided to rent this movie instead of buying it. I'm incredibly glad that I did. I wanted to like this movie. I really tried. It had me entertained for the first hour and a half, even if I did have to actively stop myself from dissecting all of it's flaws (there are plenty). But then, the ending happened. I don't know that I have ever been more confused or dissapointed by the way a movie ended. Like really?!? ** Spolier Alert Here*** Driving into a tornado and winding up in the middle of the Mexican desert, and arriving just in time to deliver a baby (complete with an ACTUAL live birth seen!!). It was absolutely ridiculous. And so uncomfortable, and not in tune with the rest of the movie. I can't say that it's the worst film I've ever seen, but it certainly leaves a lot to be desired.
  • horrible

    By diannmg
    This movie is so bad that I went on IMDb to find out who wrote the script so I could avoid anything else they wrote. Seriously, there is nothing redeeming about this awful waste of time.
  • Terrible Movie

    By Robin1221
    This is the worst movie and anyone who tells you differently is a liar. Don't even watch this.
  • A great Altman picture

    By Adele H 19
    I thought this movie was fantastic and have watched it numerous times. One of Altman's best. Great, evolved, developed performance from Richard Gere. Lovely.
  • Horrible, horrible, horrible

    By LaJusta
    This movie was so boring, I fastforwarded through most of it. Terrible dialog and a non-existent plot. Don't waste even five minutes on this film. You'll regret it.
  • So Bad its Indescribable.

    By ZGreene
    Im not at all critical of movies, in fact I will go so far as to say that of the some 200 movies I've seen in my life I’ve always had something nice to say about them, but this movie low and behold has found its way to being the WORST PIECE OF CINEMA I'VE EVER VIEWED. I rented it because I like the actors in it and thought it might be fun, but no. This Movie is so god awful that I'm only writing this review to warn all of you that this movie could be used as a form of torture or possibly as the only movie allowed to be show in hell. Please, I'm begging you; iTunes has hundreds of fantastic movies in their library, go watch one of those instead.
  • Time well wasted

    By tucker's dad
    I really wish I could get back the two hours it took me to watch this. Don't waste your time or money. Awful. Awful. Awful.
  • Attrocious

    By emersonpi
    Not even likeably bad, just terrible. No plot, terribly chaotic, painful to watch, bad acting from all but Gere. The point of the movie seems to be that all women are insane and that even men who think they know women reasonably well are dead wrong. I want to get the time I lost watching this back. Even Joel from MST 3K would kill himself while watching this.
