About Cherry

About Cherry

By Stephen Elliott

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2012-09-21
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 42min
  • Director: Stephen Elliott
  • Production Company: Enderby Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 295 Ratings


Watch while in theaters!! This bold debut film by author Stephen Elliott, a visual love letter to San Francisco, is the story of high school student Angelica (a mesmerizing Ashley Hinshaw), whose choices lead her from a depressing home life and dead-end job in Los Angeles to the fetish-filled Bay Area adult film world. A stepfather with dark motives lurks in the background, as Angelica watches over her younger sister and questions her options. In memorable supporting roles are Festival favorite Lili Taylor as Angelica’s manic and opportunistic mother, Jonny Weston as her sexy but sleazy boyfriend and Dev Patel as best friend and much-needed nonsexual support. The vibrant cast also includes James Franco as a coke-addicted attorney who spots Angelica in a strip club, and Heather Graham as a female porn director who launches “Cherry’s” adult film career with mixed feelings. A gritty and defiantly voyeuristic look at the life of a youth who never loses her innocence, even as she gyrates for the camera, Cherry captures a rare point of view, urging us to consider the delicate tension between body and self by focusing on society’s most sought after objects of desire.



  • What is everyone complaining about

    By whovian10
    This movie was not as bad as everyone is saying. It's mild version of Boogie Nights but with a girl. It's a little slow at times and some things happen without a lot of explanation. Might be worth a rent if nothing else.
  • waiting for nothing

    By plushfan
    intially i had high hopes for the film. it seemed promising. i give every one to two stars for the effort. it's not at all easy making films. this moving was lacking in alot of area. it's very vague and didn't seem to make sense in the end. the acting was okay . it's worth a shot if your bored but i would recommend renting over buying.
  • Awful It looks terrible

    By Chole123
    Nothing to say but looks awful :-(
  • Thanks lighting guy!

    By Asantekamill
    There is a Review that really praises the lighting,and gives the movie five stars! Wonder who who wrote that review?
  • horrible

    By scuba_sjm
    You will get more entertainment by punching yourself in the face, it was that bad of a movie. If you do see it, rent it, waste of money to by it.........If you do buy it, I warned you.
  • Ehh

    By txo68
    Only reason I watched the film was because James Franco was in it...not disappointed with him ;)
  • Excellent

    By EJG2400
    The movie was great ! I think the actor who played Po ( Michael Torres ) should have been in more scenes ... There was something truly interesting about that character in just the little bit of the movie that he was in... Maybe should have explored that character more .
  • Cherry review

    By dixietheartist
    Although the film sort of developes along at a steady pace something was terribly wrong by the end as many questions remained unanswered and the actual ending must have had a lapse in the editing room. Too bad b/c it could have been a pretty good film.
  • Female Boogie Nights

    By HolyHipHopR
    Why you guys (well I know why you) and gals would bother to watch this crap...STOP putting the word "innocence" in here to try to justify why you made a pornography movie. Just stop it. Same plot: drugs...pedophila....sex...and repeat recycle. There is no glamour in bending over or lying on your back. Just ask Jennifer Lopez, Shakira and Beyonce.
  • Rent it

    By amanaresi
    Great movie
