The Lone Ranger

The Lone Ranger

By Gore Verbinski

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2013-07-03
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 29min
  • Director: Gore Verbinski
  • Production Company: Walt Disney Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 5,871 Ratings


From Disney/Jerry Bruckheimer Films and Director Gore Verbinski (Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise) come Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer in The Lone Ranger. Filled with action and excitement, this thrilling adventure brings the famed masked hero to life through brand-new eyes. Native American warrior Tonto (Depp) recounts the untold tales that transformed John Reid (Hammer), a man of the law, into a legend of justice. It’s a runaway train of epic surprises and humorous friction, as these two unlikely heroes must learn to work together and fight against greed and corruption.



  • The worst western ever made. Period.

    By Indiana Goof
    What an absolute mess. I had heard whispers that it hadn't done well. And I was sort of in the mood for a western. I thought to myself, "Well, maybe if I check it out, I might at least get some pretty scenery in the background. I mean, I've seen Heaven's Gate. How bad could this possibly be?" So I checked it out. If only somebody had been conveniently around to slap me for having this idea, I would have been spared seeing what may very well be the most bizarrely weird movie ever concocted! I had braced myself in case the movie was bad, and it was. What I was not expecting was how THOROUGHLY, SHOCKINGLY bad it was! What on earth were those filmmakers thinking? Had they been eating some kind of funny mushrooms, liquid drano, or something equally toxic?! I later found out it's apparently the biggest bomb in history, and many have asked, "Is this the worst western ever made?" YES IT IS! I didn't even get pretty scenery - it wasn't even real! What I got was muddy-hued CGI, the worst CGI I think I've ever seen. I'm somebody who is already unimpressed by CGI, and I still thought it terrible! and I mean, when a movie has carnivorus rabbits in it like Monty Python and The Holy Grail (DON'T ASK), you KNOW the filmmakers were whacked out of their gourds. While I am not currently one to recommend anything modern Disney, especially in light of all the recent nonsense they've been doing, even I am shocked how preposterous this movie was. Don't let anybody you know get tempted into watching this even if's free! Save yourselves! I've now got to live with a tiny little black spot on my brain where which reside the memories of this thing! ACK! P.S. Whatever you do, DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO THE "5 STAR RATINGS" ON HERE PRAISING THIS AWFUL THING! I have a sneaking suspicion that they may be fake reviews posted by Disney themselves (yes, they've pulled that stunt before, so I wouldn't be the least bit surprised here)!
  • Why I watch

    By Mountain Mater
    Forget all of the superfluous blah-blah woof- woof about directorial style or lack of, storyline, actors complementing each other, etc. The mask, the white horse, the Indian, the silver bullet, William Tell overture, Cavendish are all a package deal. I watched and listened to it as a kid in the 50s and loved every minute of it. And this movie is a great tribute to my memories regardless of whatever modern shortcomings folks may have of it.
  • Best movie an saw Production of film

    By trolingenious
    Still remember this movie coming out when production talked about the locations of where film was to be shoot at. Turned out to be only couple of hrs or few minutes away on the NavajoReservation in Chinle or other towns. When depp came to town he got the whole hotel to himself & around hrs of 4-5am power started going out for the whole town turned out to be production getting depp ready for the movie. That was the best thing when they came to town during shooting; during the canyon shots everyone would stand on the side of the canyon so they could see depp and hammer production managed get a good block off for no disturbs still you can see depp and hammer from a far.
  • Entertainment

    By Cinda Garza
    Fam ❤️❤️❤️
  • A Fantastic Movie With One Critical Flaw

    By Ubisububi
    This movie has everything an action flick should have: Great direction/script/acting/pacing, and a very satisfying ending sequence. Unfortunately, the studio made the decision to cast Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow pretending to be a Native American Comanche warrior . I still enjoy it greatly, but it will never receive its due because of this embarrassing and tone-deaf casting decision. Cultural appropriation aside, I just can’t help imagining the charisma and gravitas the right Tonto would have brought to the screen.
  • True Story

    By Jack1135
    Armie Hammer actually ate all the animals on set
  • I hate Disney because of this disaster film

    By Nicholas becerra
    Wild Wild West may be Will Smtih cashgrab well speaking of cashgrap The Lone Ranger was so so terrible just terrible disney cashgrab commerical vehicle for Johnny Depp. This film has so many cliches and poor character development to make the western more interesting and lovable its okay to starr Johnny Depp because he is a good actor and people love him but he stinks in this film so as this film moves on from being a magical disney film and instead remakes Wild Wild West it's pointless and terrible i got extremely bored.
  • Best Disney Western Movie ever

    By julioissupetawesome
    Disney shows eating a mans heart awesome and kinda gross
  • Critics are wrong about this one

    By CannonFamily2019
    Great movie. Funny. Witty. Quirky. Loved it.
  • Good flick

    By chico9726
    If you turn off your brain, and enjoy the dose of simple story you’ll enjoy this movie. It’s a great Sunday flick when your looking to watch something entertaining and not over-complicated.
