

By Roman Polanski

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2011-12-16
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 19min
  • Director: Roman Polanski
  • Production Company: SBS Productions
  • Production Country: France, Germany, Poland, Spain, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,946 Ratings


CARNAGE is a razor sharp, biting comedy centered on parental differences. After two boys duke it out on a playground, the parents of the "victim" invite the parents of the "bully" over to work out their issues. A polite discussion of childrearing soon escalates into verbal warfare, with all four parents revealing their true colors. None of them will escape the carnage.



  • not as good as it thinks it is

    By Fleet North
    Good actors. Good director. But the SCRIPT… boring and constantly congratulates itself on how clever it is being. It's clever, it really is, but it isn't actually funny. Neither does it make commentary on modern society worthy of real contemplation, as these characters are more cartoonish than representative of anyone real. The use of the word "Carnage", for instance, is supposed to be amusing both in how it is an overstatement of something rather mundane and how the characters are incapable of handing real conflict with each other… but… no. No it's just… reaching. Love everyone involved, but I'm sorry to say that this one didn't work for me.
  • Blew me away

    By ADnodn
    My husband brought this one home and I was NOT interested in seeing it. But I was just sucked in and completely fascinated. Wonderful performances! I was literally on the edge of seat wondering how much more any of them could take!
  • I chuckled once

    By GrOoVyLike
    I bought this for 4 reasons: polanski, reilly, foster, and i wanted to laugh. Great acting but the movie is not funny at all. I chuckled once during the whole film. This movie is not funny. If laughter is your aim look elsewhere.

    By NeighborOne
    I bought it because I liked the cast especially John c Reilly. I'm 40 minutes in and so far all it's been is 4 adults bickering in a living room and occasionally a bathroom. Filming budget couldn't have broken $5000. Should only cost $5 to buy at max. Not the $20 I paid. RENT DO NOT BUY.
  • A great satire of human exchanges.

    By Sundancefilmfan
    Perfect cast, perfect direction. Yasmina Reza and Roman Polanski seem to have found each other really well. Kate Winslet is SO funny and the complex set is masterly filmed. This movie won't change the world but will change your perception of human behaviors.
  • Smart clever funny

    By regislax
    I liked it.
  • The movie isn't boring people

    By ToNyTouCH859
    Good flick. Wouldn't buy it, but it's definitely worth renting. Don't listen to everyone.
  • Boring

    By ses29
    I couldn't take the movie anymore after 20 minutes. But had to finish it since my friend wanted to watch the whole thing. Who the hell wants to pay money to watch people argue ?!?!?
  • Awesome

    By Gyuri F
    Absolutely loved it! It does border being a little too much: too much acting, too much tension that would not resonate well if would be pushed any further, but it is just perfect. I loved the pressure under control and also when boils over. Very entertaining but I guess it does require a certain taste and not surprised that some people hate it.
  • Pointless argumentation for entire film

    By Mr reason
    I actually like Roman Polanski--very much. He's undoubtedly one of the best film directors ever. Unfortunately, he decided to take a story about a long, boring, pointless, tedious argument and turn it into exactly that kind of film.
