

By Roman Polanski

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 1965-10-03
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 44min
  • Director: Roman Polanski
  • Production Company: Compton Films
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,012 Ratings


Considered one of the most frightening films ever made, Roman Polanski's "Repulsion" stars Catherine Deneuve as a Belgian manicurist working in Paris and living in an apartment with her sister. Simultaneously repulsed and attracted to the idea of sex, Deneuve slowly becomes more and more unhinged.



  • Blown Away....

    By nicklee191
    After watching this film, I’d honestly put this up there with any Hitchcock classic. Sure, you’re dealing with some pretty taboo themes for the time period, but the quality of this is just undeniable.
  • Probably a revelation in 1965...

    By gnomeofzurich
    ...but in 2019 it's just a well-crafted, glacially paced film that pretentious film festival types can convince themselves to fall in love with and think they're on to something retro-new. But hey, an hour and a half of young Catherine Deneuve b&w closeups, so there's that.
  • Amazed at the high ratings

    By pedb
    Maybe reading the plot summary and all the great reviews I was expecting too much. The movie was slow especially the first half, and was hardly horrifying. It was an okay movie, just don’t go in expecting a 4/5 star “most horrifying movie ever made”, because its not.
  • Not what I expected

    By 619Matt619
    "Considered one of the most frightening movies ever made" whom? Maybe back in 1955 or whenever this was made, but this was not one bit scary in the least! As a black and white film made in that era there is nothing wrong with it at all. But with all the other reviews on here talking about how "terrifying" this movie is, I was completely misled! Don't make my mistake, rent this but be prepared for a slow, good film but NOT a scary one. this should be in just classics NOT horror genre!
  • Amazing

    By Pattiecakes6863
    Just finished watching it and it was frightening to see this woman become unraveled. There's no gore or supernatural entities in this movie but it's amazing to see the human mind become undone!
  • A brilliant film..

    It takes a while to get started but it's one of those films that draws you in.. Shot and set in London (yes, the plot summary is wrong) around South Kensington and Earl's Court (I live in the same mansion block) it's not only a gripping story, but gives a fascinating view of those areas and the people of London during the time.. This was also Polanski's first english language film so worth watching even just for that.. Definitely worth a viewing…

    By Wolfman78
    Nobody knows how to tell a tale about someone trapped alone in a tight space and losing their frickin' gourd like Roman Polanski! I wrote a review earlier after I'd bought the movie, but now I just finished watching it and enjoyed it as much as I hoped. Like most of Polanski's work, this is very slow moving and has a minimalist style. That plus the fact that it's in black and white and more than five years old, means it's probably not the right kind of horror film for the typical teenie-bopper out there with the attentions span of a carrot. I gave it four stars rather than five simply because it didn't BLOW ME AWAY. That said, I did think it's a very good movie, twisted and disturbing, and most of Polanski's films have a tenency to grow on you. At first they may seem too slow or hard to understand, but with each viewing, you like them more and more. Each time I watch "The Tenant" I like it even more, and I'm sure once I've watched "Repulsion" a couple more times, I'll be changing my score from four stars to five... Nice job, Roman! And thanks iTunes for having a movie that's outside the mainstream and somewhat obscure!
  • hope to see it

    By illbeyourPrIsOnEr
    i diddnt get to see it ondemand but i wish they would put it back on there i dnt want to buy it untill i see it idk if i really want to see it now that i know it is in black and white
  • Great Movie

    By kbeshwate
    One of Polanski's best. Nice to see it on iTunes.
  • Good job iTunes

    By Hitchcock103
    Great rarely seen movie nice job iTunes!
