The Innkeepers

The Innkeepers

By Ti West

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2012-02-03
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Ti West
  • Production Company: Dark Sky Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 656 Ratings


The last two employees of a century old haunted hotel go on the hunt for ghosts in this fun shocker that delivers big laughs and truly terrifying scares. From the director of House of the Devil.



  • Refreshing

    By O'learbu
    The haunting in this movie — is not meant to carry the entire story. It's one part ... in a world of crappy *LOUD NOISE / SCREAM SCARE* ghost movies ... this movie sticks out. The Innkeepers is so subtle with it's scare tactics because you're meant to focus on the relationships with the living and find humor in the mundane and when the scares DO happen they're actually scary and enjoyable. I can see why people thought this movie was boring, but its when you stop comparing this film to 'The Woman In Black' or 'Insidious' and understand that it's what's NOT said that makes this film enjoyable and terrifying.
  • Characters I actively loathed, being bored

    By SWBIK
    This was a movie that really, REALLY wanted the audience to think it was clever. And for some reason, most of the critics sampled for Rotten Tomatoes bought it. But in reality, this is 90 interminable minutes of unpleasant people interacting in long static shots, while the audience waits for the jump scare that is telegraphed, but never materializes. If the main characters were in any way likable, I might have been convinced this was an entertaining attempt at an old school horror movie… but they weren't, and this wasn't.
  • The other reviews are ridiculous!

    By oneoclockjump40
    I don't what film the others here watched, but it wasn't this one. Either that or they have poor taste in horror films; I'm guessing the latter. Anyway, I enjoyed this film very much.
  • Slow Burn to AntiClimatic Ending

    By nysalesman
    This movie has a little bit of scare and a little bit of humor. Other than that it drags, which wouldn't be a good thing if they had a reward at the end. Unfortunately, even the scare near the end is mediocre at best and the ending doesn't tie together any of the strings and keeps the viewer asking themselves, "ok, what was this movie supposed to be about?", "What was it that the Kelly Mcgillis character saw?" Quite frankly, I don't know why they even bothered to include an epilogue if it wasn't going to shed light on anything. They should have just rolled credits after the prior scene. It's almost as if they didn't have time to write or film a proper ending. Overall, this movie was a huge disappointment.
  • Really?

    By Nugget1321
    Where are these good reviews coming from? Not the least bit scary. Nothing about this movie was "horror". Dumb dumb dumb... Don't waste your money.
  • Don't bother

    By Gabby'sDad79
    The scariest part if you get spooked easily which I don't is towards the very end. I was expecting something a lot more scarier. Idk why rotten tomatoes gave it such good ratings?
  • pathetic

    By themareybare
    absolutely horrendously awful with little plot and suspense and stale acting
  • NO!

    By auay
    Very boring ..I fast forwarded the whole movie in like 10 mins. Not worth the money.
  • One of my favorite horror films of all time

    By Keegsta
    Slow burn horror at its best. If you go into this film looking for big time scares and a lot going on, you will be disappointed. I loved the characters and felt the whole film was very charming.
  • Boring and pointless

    By stanthejeep
    What else needs to be said
