In a Valley of Violence

In a Valley of Violence

By Ti West

  • Genre: Western
  • Release Date: 2016-10-21
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 43min
  • Director: Ti West
  • Production Company: Blumhouse Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 589 Ratings


On their way to Mexico, a mysterious drifter named Paul (Ethan Hawke) and his dog cut through the forgotten town of Denton - a place now dubbed by locals as a "valley of violence." The once popular mining town is nearly abandoned, and controlled by a brash group of misfits and nitwits - chief among them, Gilly (James Ransone) who is the troublemaking son of the town’s unforgiving Marshal (John Travolta). As tensions rise between Paul and Gilly, Denton’s remaining residents, including two bickering sisters (Taissa Farmiga and Karen Gillan), bear witness to an inevitable act of violence that starts a disastrous chain reaction. Only the world-weary Marshal struggles to stop the violent hysteria, but after a gruesome discovery about Paul’s past…there is no stopping the escalation. From writer/director Ti West and Blumhouse Productions, In a Valley of Violence brings absurdist humor and West’s shocking scenes of violence to the Western genre.



  • Good actors bad story

    By I eat books
    Terrible to see such great humans in such a terribly thought out script. The locations were incongruous. The overall effect gave the film a schizophrenic feeling. The characters as well were brave one minute and cowardly the next. Resilient in one scene and panicking about what to do the the next
  • really 76%?

    By moonmycron
    some comic relief, cute dog scenes .. absolutely high school level direction
  • Traditional

    By LOMG77
    Classic western, violent, good vs bad. It has a bit of it all in the tradition of the 60's tradition.
  • I want my money back

    By Iam_Matthaios
    I can't believe I spent money on this movie. iTunes should have it for free. Wish I would have paid attention to the customer reviews and not the lying Rotten Tomatoes group. I will never do that again. Terrible movie, stay away unless you have throw away money and time to waste.
  • well

    By ifyoulikemyopinion788791
    this movie was a joke
  • Viva Spaghetti Westerns !

    By Awe Heal
    I'm laughing at all these young'uns raging & hating on this movie b/c they obviously haven't watched spaghetti westerns circa 1975 (post S. Leone's rip-off of A. Kurosawa's "Yojimbo"). It's a western, boys. Y'all sit back & enjoy the scenery, the wardrobes, the funny talk & gun fights. And enjoy how much Ethan Hawke looks like Clint Eastwood circa 1965!
  • In the Valley of Violence

    By Randdine
    I really enjoyed this movie. It was great western. Hero was real, my this was nice.
  • Blast of Dark Comedy and Western Sizzle

    By BarrettTB
    Ethan Hawks, as usual, knocks it out of the ball park in this exceptional western that ranks as one of the best films of the year. I mean this film takes John Travolta and turns him into a malicious yet funny lawman, that deserves praise all on its own. Overall this film borrows much from John Wick, but I can't help but love it because of just how well it was made. It comes with my highest recommendations.
  • Whitty

    By Cigar_BBQ_Smoke
    The year for westerns and with a lot of "A Listers" coming out in Hateful 8 & Maginficent 7, it's not shocking to see others making a return to the big screen. Travolta paired with Ethan Hawke is not a bad combination. Of course the movie is slightly predictable, just after the arrival into Denton. Nevertheless, it's a decent comedy reaching for the Tarantino level but missing.

    By HAWKEYE32
    Seriously? This is an actual movie? What happened? Who thought this was an acceptable production? Is the Tomato Meter broken? Who are these so-called critics that have anything favorable to say about this thing I just watched? Questions.
