Wet Hot American Summer

Wet Hot American Summer

By David Wain

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2001-07-27
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: David Wain
  • Production Company: Eureka Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 813 Ratings


Get ready for laughs with an all-star cast in the outrageous comedy Wet Hot American Summer. It’s the last day of Camp Firewood’s season, but there’s still time for the big talent show, a little romance... and for everyone to be wiped out by the piece of NASA’s Skylab that’s hurtling toward Earth. David Wain (Role Models) directs Paul Rudd (Knocked Up), Elizabeth Banks (The 40-Year-Old Virgin), Amy Poehler (Baby Mama), Molly Shannon (Saturday Night Live), and David Hyde Pierce (Frasier) in the romp Michael Agger at The New Yorker calls “hilarious!” As AintItCool.com claims, “imagine your American Pie and Scary Movie type teen film with a great cast, a hysterical and far wittier script, and tongue planted firmly in cheek” and you have Wet Hot American Summer!



  • Dumb Yet Charmingly Hilarious

    By HenryDavid13
    The year is 1981, a looser time for all. It’s the last day of camp at Camp Firewood (real original name), and camp director Beth (Janeane Garofalo) is trying to keep the camp running. Meanwhile, many other camp stories go on, some of which are left unresolved, others are wrapped into a neat little bow. There’s romance, teen drama, and just plain weirdness throughout. The plot moves as casually as a summer day, which works for it because like a hot summer day, the plot moves this way, that way and every other way. There are a lot of characters they follow, and some storylines go unresolved, and the climax comes from out of nowhere, which is both as absurd as classic summer vacations can be and just plain dumb at the same time. Look, the plot’s a mess in terms of coherence, but the pace reflecting summer days works out. Most adult viewers will be able to relate to the main characters in some way, whether it’s the laid back guys, the girls, Professor Henry Newman (David Hyde Pierce), or any of the kids, because this is a classic summer vacation movie. The main characters you really care about are Beth and Henry, but everyone else just takes up time that could be spent on them. Otherwise, character development is weak due to too many characters they try to focus on, but some of their arcs go unresolved, or just feel shoehorned in. However, the film was hilarious, whether it was the wild dialogue from Gene (Christopher Meloni) and his “friend” the can of peas (H. Jon Benjamin). There’s plenty of sight gags and zany dialogue to keep you entertained, even if you think afterward “that was really stupid.” Theodore Shapiro and Craig Wedren make an orchestral score, but with great 80s songs put to good use, we don’t hear much of that. All the music sets the mood and is appropriate to the scene. And there were also a lot of swears. Wow, that was as random as this movie, which may be the unique charm that doesn’t sink my rating of it.
  • Best

    By Chip46107
    The best movie with great songs and a great cast. Don't show this to children
  • Worst movie ever

    By powerplaymm
    Why do people think this movie is funny? Its literally the dumbest movie I have ever seen. So disappointing because the cast is full of funny people.
  • One of my favorite comedies of all time.

    By HaleysComet1989
  • great watch!

    By 1# reviewer
    a definite cult classic for me! you fall in love with the charecters, their stories, and the camp immediately!
  • Stupid!

    By Fubfubfuber
    Don't waste your time with this failure of a comedy movie. It's a comedy movie thats not funny what so ever.
  • camp

    By Rhabdo
    Being a scout and camp being an every summer thing. Yeah, this is on point. The humor and references are solid. Love the 70’s style to the whole thing. A must watch. Whens the next in the series?????
  • More than a Summer Camp Spoof

    By FindTheTime80
    This movie strikes every chord with me. The humor is absurd and I love it. It's not something you can watch brainless and be told when to laugh. It's a "pay attention" kind of comedy and if you get the jokes, the humor, and the references then this movie is hilarious and well worth the time... I encourage everyone with a weird since of humor to watch this.
  • Hilarious

    By eag7892
    Without a doubt one of the best comedies of all time
  • Funny stuff!.

    By Mr.Winkleman
    Laugh out load. funny! Awesome cast! :)
