Role Models

Role Models

By David Wain

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2008-11-07
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 38min
  • Director: David Wain
  • Production Company: WideAwake Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,929 Ratings


Prepare yourself for the most irreverent and funny comedy that brings new meaning to juvenile delinquency! As the world’s least-likely mentors, Danny (Paul Rudd) & Wheeler (Seann William Scott) must put aside their selfish, sarcastic and party-driven ways in order to give two odd, foul-mouthed kids invaluable wisdom about life, love and heavy metal. With a supporting cast of comic all-stars including Elizabeth Banks, Jane Lynch, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Bobb’e J. Thompson, Role Models is “a surprisingly clever comedy” (Claudia Puig, USA Today).



  • Excellent Movie, but bad encoding

    By nbvideo
    The movie is excellent and so funny! The encoding is pretty bad with the audio. I had to have my Samsung sound bar at 100 and the audio sounded muffled and I had a hard time hearing it. After the movie I tested it with a few other movies and almost every movie was around 35-50 on the sound bar, with the audio sounding awesome. I hope Apple catches it and fixing the encoding.
  • one of my favorite comedies of all time

    By HOVA23III
    role models is one of those movies that i always am quoting with my friends. i've seen this movie about 10 times and it never gets old
  • Aaah hippos!

    By Sassy sausage
    I want to put it in you like a vroom vroom from the back. I'm just sayin... Balls

    By Person of Few Words
    This is one of the funniest movies of 08 by far.
  • Funny

    By alec john
    Smart dialogue, good acting, sweet message about friendship and trust, and just plain funny!!! Funny movie throughout!!!!
  • Funny

    By Mr.Jeans
    If you don't find this movie funny you have no soul.
  • Yea!!

    By Namuen
    Funniest movie ever!!!!
  • Awsome

    By Ichikiller13
    This movie is amazingly awsome. I just wish i had 10 to buy it.... :'(
  • Hilarious!

    By voteforgandalf
    I love this movie! I could seriously watch it everyday. My only complaint is that it's not available in HD--I will buy it once it's available in HD. (Otherwise it looks like crap on my computer and I'd have to re-buy yet another movie once it gets to HD.) So...get on that, iTunes.
  • Ha

    By Stone Bennett
