A wrongfully convicted boy is sent to a brutal desert detention camp where he starts the job of digging holes for some mysterious reason.
Really enjoyed both the book and movie.
By DBspeed
Really enjoyed both the book and movie.
By Furn_
Great movie
Just as good as the book
By Hackrelm
This is one of my favorite movies. Unlike Artemis Fowl, Holes didn’t change much what was in the book. I don’t know which one is better. Probably the book because I like books more than movies.
Has much more depth than I realized
By Pinkpig3777
You know when you watch a movie you loved as a kid and realize it’s not as good as you thought? I had kinda the opposite experience. I had loved this as a kid, *but* I also missed a lot of information. Without spoiling it, I’ll say that parts of it confused me as a kid and other parts I missed entirely. Now that I’m older, I managed to notice the details I had previously missed.
So, instead of being an amazing movie with a few confusing parts, it was an amazing *really* well-made/well-thought out movie.
100% recommend for ALL ages. I loved it as a kid and as an adult.
i dont have to buy it
By jakefreshman
i can get Disney plus app and once i get in i get to watch the movie holes bc its a Disney movie and book.
Disney’s Shawshank Redemption
By fenderstratADHD
This movie is just a children’s version of the 1994 prison classic “The Shawshank Redemption”, which in my opinion is one of the greatest movies of all time. Shia Labeouf is a child Andy Dufresne who is sent to a juvie camp in the desert for a crime he didn’t commit (same premise as Shawshank Redemption) where he and the other inmates (who all go by crazy nicknames such as “X Ray” and “Armpit”) spend all day everyday digging a bunch of holes while being mentored by Sigourney Weaver who is the warden and an assistant (known as “Mr. Sir” who is actually a convicted criminal). It’s an ok movie. There were many funny parts in it but other than that, I didn’t like it that much. The only thing I loved about the movie was the song called Dig It which actually was a huge part of my childhood (I used to play it on a Radio Disney CD when I was 6 years old). Younger kids would like this movie
By Adriana M. Hillstrom
Please, make it $7.99, & I will buy. $18 for a movie that’s this old, but phenomenal should be less then $10. Try again iTunes. No way am I paying this much.
It was ok
By PoofyArtichoke
I didn’t really liked how old it was.
Best movie ever
By swagdaddy1030
Best f/$;&;&;ing movie on earth, if you don’t like it you’re a Pu c
Watch This Movie
By Buildude23
I thought this movie was incredible! At first I thought it was just going to be old fashion if you know what I mean, but this movie was really moving. I couldn’t stop watching it! It was so suspenseful when my teacher would stop it, it was so interesting to see what would happen next. I recommend it to so many people! It has some curse words in it, but even a young child will love it! I love the mystery in this movie. Also, if you didn’t read the book that is totally fine. I didn’t read the book either😉 Please watch this movie, you will love it! It will leave you wondering for sure.