Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

By J.J. Abrams

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2015-12-18
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 18min
  • Director: J.J. Abrams
  • Production Company: Lucasfilm Ltd.
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 5.99
From 19,593 Ratings


Visionary director J.J. Abrams brings to life the motion picture event of a generation. As Kylo Ren and the sinister First Order rise from the ashes of the Empire, Luke Skywalker is missing when the galaxy needs him most. It's up to Rey, a desert scavenger, and Finn, a defecting stormtrooper, to join forces with Han Solo and Chewbacca in a desperate search for the one hope of restoring peace to the galaxy.



  • Awful Recycle

    By Tiimmmy
    A complete recycle of the original Star Wars series with horrible acting, plot holes the size of the death star, and depressingly predictable. I waited years to see this because I was afraid it was going to be a disappointment, it was worse than I feared.
  • That is why you fail.

    By JoeCoolRunnings
    Easy now. Easy does it. ConcenTRAAAAAAAAAAAATE! Down goes the sardonic composure of the Sith, thanks to Dark Helmet--I mean, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). Far and fast falls the discipline of the Imperial staffers and commanders, namely General Hux (Dohmnall Gleeson) and Captain Phasma (Gwendoline Christie). Bomb-blasted is the adventurous nature and youthful spirit of the Jedi and their newfound friends, by way of Rey and Finn's self-certainty and timidity respectively (Daisy Ridley, John Boyega). CRASH! SMASH! RATTLE! go the engaging story, subtle energy, comic relief, and zero-aid of self-awareness that made the original trilogy work--and held up to a point in the prequel trilogy. [By way of "Master" Abrams and the other Padawan learners of this otherwise time-honored craft of sci-fi adventure and escape from ruggish, buggish reality. And the chief helmsman of LUCASFILM, need I mention?] To what ends is this jest? "To reflect present society. To represent the sidelined/broadsided. To empower the 'powerless'," you say. THAT IS WHY YOU FAIL.
  • People who don’t like it are stupid

    By St@rw@rs fan 4 life!
    I was like 5 when I started watching this and it was amazing and I loved Rey because that was my middle name so Rey was basically my idol.Now at 12 yrs I still love Star Wars I have always dreamed of being in a Star Wars film.who know maybe I will
  • Okay

    By Blue1975520
    Not as good as the originals, but better than 8.
  • Do or do not. There is no try....BUT THERE IS TRY TOO HARD!

    By windycityzenkane
    It has been five or seven years since I saw EPISODE VII: THE FORCE AWAKENS. Yet, I remember the ONLY reason I bothered to look: To see the old gang back together again. Re-enter Han Solo and Chewie. And Leia Organa. And C-3P0 and R2-D2 of course. And don't forget Luke Skywalker. But ESPECIALLY Han Solo. I also remember being slightly jumpy at the sight of the Millenium Falcon. Yeah. Nostalgia is good and all, but it does not save this unnecessary roughness from being unnecessary let alone rough. For starters, why do we need a sequel trilogy at all? What was/is so wrong with (or absent from) what we got with the original trilogy that the ever-popular Disney has to add more? Why do it with Disney at all? Not to mention the equally popular Jar Jar Abrams? [Sorry. J.J. Abrams.] Another question: Why start something you don't intend to finish? On this note, the characters COULD HAVE BEEN AMAZING! Finn (John Boyega) is a defecting stormtrooper. This could have started a whole walkout and liberation of the stormtroopers. And we could have learned about Finn's family and life before the First Order. OH YEAH! And that moment where Finn wields the lightsaber clearly means they want to take us SOMEWHERE! BUT THEY DON'T! Rey (Daisy Ridley) could have also been amazing. We could have gotten a hint or two about her family as well. In fact, she could have helped in another way than just the Jedi way. BUT SHE DOESN'T! She is just a NObody from NOwhere. With NO clue what she is doing or how she does it. And what about Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac)? We could have delved into his people skills. We could have seen him at work at a pilot and strategist. BUT WE DIDN'T! Or WE DON'T! He is just a trope. A handsome, daring, unafraid-to-take-a-hit TROPE! And don't get me started on Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), who COULD HAVE been a more complex, more conflicted character. Instead of a saber-happy lunatic high on testoterone pills. In fact, everybody is a complete stranger in a strange land. Which shoves the red lightsaber into the whole story, AND into George Lucas' midsection! THIS IS NOT LOST MR. ABRAMS!!! AND IT'S NOT HUNGER GAMES EITHER! Overall, we are not in the galaxy far, far away. We are too dang close to home. And the crew can't even get that place right! Yoda said, "Do or do not. There is no try." But he forgot to warn us about TRY TOO HARD!
  • Not that good.🙄

    By Sir baggy bottoms
    Rey is my lest favorite character. I even prefer JarJar. Rey is annoying. Her character seems perfect. This needs to be remade. I prefer star wars 1-6. If they wanted a female jedi . Put in Ashoka Tano. She is an awesome character. I think my problem is they didn't add characters that are already in the Star Wars world. Like Luke son named Ben. Or Solo and Leia other children. They had like four or five.
  • Part 7: the force flops out

    By It's on '25
    Han Solo: “I liiiiiiiikkkkkkeeee this” <——- spoke like a 4 year old. It only goes down from there.
  • Sensational!!!!

    By Bmxmcdguy
    Idk if I’m just a big SW fan but, this movie is so nostalgic for me after I went to Star Wars galaxy’s edge! It’s such an amazing film highly recommended
  • Berry right at the gym

    By Pg,te939
    Urinate bypass 🚏
  • Trash

    JJ Abrams tries his hardest to start something fresh a plane it to safe. The team Disney created to create this movie in this trilogy did not try hard enough and did not have a vision as it is clear with the end product.By the way force awakens has more digitally created (CGI) shots than Star Wars Phantom Menace.
