Lucky You

Lucky You

By Curtis Hanson

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2007-05-04
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 3min
  • Director: Curtis Hanson
  • Production Company: Lonely Film Productions GmbH & Co. KG.
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 266 Ratings


Ante up for a sure entertainment bet from L.A. Confidential director Curtis Hanson, who co-wrote this charmer with fellow Academy Award winner Eric Roth (Forrest Gump). Pro gambler Huck Cheever (Eric Bana) meets irresistible Billie Offer (Drew Barrymore) and learns to treat love the way he treats cards: trusting his heart instead of his head. He also scrambles to raise the entry fee for the high-roller World Series of Poker, even though - or maybe because - the tournament may pit him against his estranged father (Robert Duvall), a two-time Series winner.



  • A movie for poker people.

    By Levi E.
    The movie is a good one - only if you understand the rules of poker and are interested in it. The movie has a few stars in it, such as Robert Downey Jr. and Grace from "Will & Grace" but don't be fooled- these characters have very small roles and Downey's screen time amounts for less than 5 minutes of the 2-hour long film. However I did enjoy that the movie has several poker stars in it - Daniel Negreanu, for instance. Overall the film is great for poker lovers, but those who don't know or do not play, beware.
  • For Poker Fans and their Girlfirends

    By LeonardKay
    It's not Rounders. But it's pretty good. Poker fans will love the cameos of the many poker pros. Eric Bana is convincing as a pro. The story is light, and mainly a romantic comedy. The film depicts the poker lifestyle accurately in that Huck (Bana) is pretty much broke all the time and evens out his losses with side bets, petty theft, stake horses, and pawn shops . Lucky You manages to depict poker with a lighthearted approach. The seedy side of gambling is avoided in favor of competitive skill and people reading. The poker is real, smart, and shows some PLO, lowball, stud that the pros play in addition to hold em. Non players will be able to follow. Robert Duvall has a convincing presence, but it is clear he doesn't play cards- he can't handle a deck or his chips, and he manages to SLOW ROLL another player in a key scene. If you are a Vegas or Poker fan, you'll love the movie while your girlfriend will like the love story.
  • Terrible movie

    By 13chas
    Bad and boring no plot at all
  • not the best. . .

    By llamalilly
    i have seen this movie about a few years know like when i first came out.I thought it would be good since dreww is in it.But i thought wrong.The story line of it was actually pretty ridiculous.And drew,for some reason wasnt a good actress in it.Not even as close as her oother movies,for example,Never been kissed(my favorite movie ever), and 50 first dates,and a few others.I really wood not recomend this to any one.Drew, love you girl but this isnt your best sorry. . . i was dissapointed and you probaly will be too.
