Wonder Boys

Wonder Boys

By Curtis Hanson

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2000-11-09
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 51min
  • Director: Curtis Hanson
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 601 Ratings


Pittsburgh college professor Grady Tripp is currently single following his divorce from his third wife. After publishing an acclaimed first novel, he's sidelined by a severe case of writer's block. On top of everything else, his affair with one of the (married) chancellors at the university, has resulted in her pregnancy. This often humorous tale of hopes and dreams is based on the bestselling novel by Michael Chabon and features an all-star cast with wonderous chemistry.



  • Chabon Fanatic

    By JGuuyy
    Michael Chabon is among the greatest American novelist and this film more than does justice to his work. I have been waiting patiently for years for this come to any digital format and now it finally has. Wonderboys is an absolute masterpiece. Rent, buy and watch!!
  • Omg, yes!

    By Daws001
    This is finally on iTunes! Huzzah! Love this film so much.
  • If I could only choose 5 movies to watch while trapped on an Island, this would be one of them!

    By MacNulty
    This is a redemptive film about lost people finding their way back to happiness. Often when writers write about writers in movies it is an excuse to cut loose with the big words, not so here. Instead we're treated to a bunch of alienated smart misfits bouncing around the comedy of errors that their lives have become. Douglas (Grady) teaches english while struggling to finish his 2nd book. His marriage is on the rocks, he's having an affair with a member of faculty (McDormand), dodging the truth about having writers block on his book with his editor (Downey jr.) and trying to prevent his most gifted student (Maguire) from doing something stupid. All the while, simply trying to make sense of his life. On the surface there's no real hook, which is why it initially bombed in the states, required a new cover and marketing push before doing well in the UK, then enjoyed similar upon a 2nd release back in the states. There are so many 'moments' in this film, its funny, witty, sad, insightful and moving while in the midst of everyones struggles in much the same way that the Shawshank Redemption was. I rewatch it often as my comfort movie, it reminds me to be patient when I forget that life will always work out in the end. The plot turns are some of the most brilliantly thought out bits I've seen, theres no real contrivances here, everything is inventive and satisfying in a non sacchirine fashion, really I can't recommend it enough. If you liked Shawshank or In Good Company you'll love this, Douglas and Downey in particular are very much at their best and were playing characters I suspect they identified strongly with during the period of their lives each were at when they made this. Give it a try, I think it will surprise, amuse and satisfy
  • Fjgcjh

    By Ghhcghvgud
    Hey, what's up with not being able to by something on iTunes? It'sjust stupid!
  • Why Can't I Buy This?

    By Matt A S
    I'd buy this movie if it was available for purchase...I feel like someone should get on this...so I can buy this...
  • Make this available for Purchase

    By Shalon
    I love this movie. Please make it available for purchase. I refuse to rent it, will only purchase. Make it happen!
  • Pretty weak film

    By M. Bennett
    The movie was weak overall. There were very few funny moments and the characters seemed forced and underdeveloped. Don't pay to watch this movie; you'll be disappointed.
  • One of my favorite movies!!!

    By drewwwy
    I've seen this movie so many times, and I've even read the book! If you want to be a writer, this is a must see film. Even worth seeing if you just want to watch an excellent film. The soundtrack is also amazing! Please allow an option to buy!
  • Whe I Can Buy I Will Rate

    By DavGreg
    Hollywood studios need to realize that some of us love film and have the attention span of a human- not a house fly. I want to OWN- not rent this film.
  • What A Movie!

    By brit laren
    This movie is amazing, and I surely recommend it! it's so amazing, Douglas and Downey Jr are just sensational in this movie!
