The Mechanic

The Mechanic

By Michael Winner

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1972-11-08
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 39min
  • Director: Michael Winner
  • Production Company: CBS Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,303 Ratings


In the business of assassination, no one executes his job quite like hit man Arthur Bishop (Charles Bronson), aka The Mechanic. But when Bishop decides to teach his skills to a new young partner (Jan-Michael Vincent), a chain of events is set in motion that will lead to a showdown between master and apprentice. A taut and exciting thriller, Bronson and director Michael Winner would team up again to create the controversial Death Wish Trilogy.



  • A fav film

    By DigitalDigitalActivists1722
    Great story. Excellent memorable performances from Charles Bronson and Jan Michael Vincent. Fav
  • Far better than the Death Wish movies!

    By –TheArtist
    Filmed in Los Angeles and Italy this film takes you inside the mind of a perfectionist hitman, all delivered in a somber tone. It’s almost Charles Bronson’s 007, without the cheesy persona. If you’re into the older James Bond films and don’t mind a scattering of “out there” characters along the way, you will probably like this one, a few gadgets and lots of surprises, a hidden present for you!
  • The man was so cool he pis..d ice!

    By Asantekamill
    The best movie of its kind! Like the man said "Bronson is so cool, he pis..s ice" now that is cool!
  • Bronson is the man

    By LaughingGodzilla
    Charles Bronson.....what can I say about the guy? He's probably one of my favorite actors ever on screen. I don't know what it is, whether its the fact that he's been in alot of movies I like (Dirty Dozen, Mr. Majestyk, Once Upon A Time In The West, Death Wish, Death Hunt......which I hope Apple oculd upload so that people could see this awesomeness, The Great Escape, etc.) or if it's the fact that he was in one of my first action films I ever saw (Hard Times, which I hope Apple could upload because I love that movie). Anyway, onto the's actually pretty good and shows you why Charles Bronson is well, Charles Bronson (basically Chuck Norris if he was even more awesome). The ending of the movie is always one of my favorite revenge scenes in a movie. Anyway, the action's cool and the acting is good. Check it out. This is a message to the big Hollywood types that are about to remake this movie {Yes, they are doing this}- AHEM.....PLEASE DON'T SCREW THIS UP! I KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE JASON STRATHAM IN THIS MOVIE, WHICH IF YOU ASK ME I DON'T MIND. BUT, DON'T MAKE THIS A R.I.N.O. (Remake In Name know, like Day the Earth Stood Still, Dino deLaurentis's King Kong, Roland Emmerich's Godzilla, Lost in Space, Wild Wild West, etc.). JUST PLEASE STICK TO THE SOURCE MATERIAL, KEEP THE STORY THE SAME.....MAYBE ELABORATE ON SOME THINGS THAT FEEL NEEDED TO BE ELABORATED. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO STICK TO THE SAME STORY, AT LEAST MAKE IT AS AN HOMAGE TO THE ORIGINAL (like the 2010 Wolf Man remake). PLEASE DON'T SCREW THAT UP AND PLEASE DON'T EVEN TRY TO REPLACE CHARLES BRONSON. IT WON'T WORK IF YOU TRY IT. AND FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT TERRIBLE LIKE ALIEN VS. PREDATOR: REQUIEM.
  • Little known Bronson gem!!

    By Hanslover
    This movie packs a lot of what made Bronson the greatest (although underappreciated) action star of all time: understated, everyman tough guy who manages to keep us riveted both by his mysterious presence and keen ability to out-maneuver and ultimately waste all who challenge him!!
