Death Wish

Death Wish

By Michael Winner

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1974-07-24
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 33min
  • Director: Michael Winner
  • Production Company: Landers-Roberts Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 866 Ratings


In this explosive story of revenge and urban violence, Charles Bronson plays Paul Kersey, a bleeding-heart liberal who has a change of opinion after his wife and daughter are violently attacked by a gang of thugs in their apartment. His daughter is sexually assaulted and his wife is murdered. Bronson then turns vigilante as he stalks the mean streets of New York on the prowl for muggers, hoodlums and the like. Death Wish is a violent, controversial film that is frank and original in its treatment of urban crime and the average citizen's helplessness in dealing with it. Herbie Hancock wrote the musical score. And watch for a young Jeff Goldblum in his film debut as one of the thugs.



  • Bronson Classic

    By jer.clifford17
    Its Bronson. Its Action.
  • A timeless film

    By Rudy_Chasal
    I love this film, and I've seen it so many times I've lost track of the number of times I've seen it. Today, in 2017, the film's message becomes more relevant as crime is rampant and very few expect any justice after being subjected to crimes.
  • Why wasn't he shot?

    By Asantekamill
    He is freaking Charles Bronson,dummy! U must think Channing Tatum is cute and really tough!
  • Great movie for anyone who believes in justice!

    By Seed Sower of Women
    Bronson is a one of a kind. If you have a heart and believe in social justice you will love this movie. It's in the same genre as the Star Chamber starring Michael Douglas. Far too often people are victimized and they feel powerless. But this movie shows what one man can do to right a wrong when the system fails. We need to have a Star Chamber for all the white colored criminals who destroy millions of lives, like Bernie Madoff and Wall Street thugs. Since they virtually write the law (and are cheered on by corrupt, ignorant republican's who deregulate businesses to allow them to prey on others) they get away with their crimes. If we had a Star Chamber you would see an instant change in businesses and the corrupt thugs who run them. Right now they fear no one as they steal billions from hard working Americans. But a Star Chamber would make them be honest. So would people like the great Charles Bronson.
  • Best in the genre!!!

    By Dokkan
    Best in the genre!!!
  • Pathetic

    By iowabrit
    This movie and it's equally moronic sequels tell you all there is to know about Michael Winners talents as a director. I cannot imagine why anyone would want to pay to watch such utter tripe. The action scenes are completely ham fisted and brought about by totally unbelievable circumstances poorly acted by meaningless charactors. Save your money. If I could give this movie a minus score, I would. Charles Bronson should be ashamed of himself for accepting the role...
  • how isnt he dead

    By the lethal mango
    this man should have been shot so many times its not even funny i wish that i had the 2 hours back that i wasted watching this horrible movie
  • good movie but...

    By paintbalerkila
    This movie is one good one but if you tell me there is hardly any movies that have its second part better that its first part and in this case the second part is one CLASSIC not this one I'm surprised itunes dont know this , bring the second part for god sake!!!
  • The original vigilante!

    By itawee
    Death Wish was a great movie when it came out and is still great today. All of the new vigilante movies we see today, still pale in comparison to Death Wish. Most recently "The Brave One" attempts to recreate the raw gritty emotion and driving desire for vengeance that exudes from this movie. When this came out, the streets of many major citys were awash in crime and drug use, and many people felt hopeless and helpless. Cops were unsympathetic and crime was simply the way of life. Here was a hero that was doing what everyone at the time wanted to do - blow away thugs! Great movie! As a bonus you'll get to see a young Jeff Goldblum play a thug. My only tiny complaint is not with the movie, but with itunes. What's with the $3.99 rental for a 20 year old movie?
  • Bronson's character faces reality, in a cool way!

    By digdave
    Love this movie, and definitely recommend it to anyone looking for some armchair payback. Please iTunes, get the rest of the series up!!
