Returning home for his father's funeral, a city businessman reflects on his parents' lives.
By Kaliannae
I had high hopes for this film based on the reviews and trailer. However, the plot is extremely boring and unoriginal, while the characters fall flat; you don't see the teacher enough to get a sense of who he is. A couple more scenes between the two main characters would have helped greatly.
By Berniegold
This is what cinema is all about, telling a story with action, not dialog. The visuals in this film are stunning. The emotion is real. This film threw me for a loop when I saw it years ago. Not one kiss. No explosions or vulgarities spewn. I've told this to many friends and acquaintances since I discovered the movie... As long as I live, I know I will never see a more beautiful film.
The touch of a master...
By falling angels
What can I say, this movie blew me away. A very simple story told in a riveting way. The acting was fresh and the camera was a gentle observer - not too much in the way.
Good Love story with Good Scenery
By Awe Heal
Subtitled. Story is told through the memories of the son. Good message of revering a devoted teacher, husband, father and community member. Worth the rent.
Good movie
By HeavensTears
Simply amazing!
By iNickedYourName
Absolute pure love. No fancy production design, yet still visually stunning. No kissing, no love making, not even holding hands. You feel the love and human emotion in their highest and most abstract form.
I love this movie!!
By Motorcrz37
This is truly a love story, and by far one of my favorites!!!! An young Ziyi Zhang does an excellent job.