House of Flying Daggers

House of Flying Daggers

By Yimou Zhang

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2004-12-03
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 58min
  • Director: Yimou Zhang
  • Production Company: Beijing New Picture Film Co. Ltd.
  • Production Country: Australia, China, Hong Kong, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,654 Ratings


"Prepare your eyes for popping," in this "martial-arts fireball that throws in a lyrical love story, headspinning fights and dazzling surprises" (Rolling Stone). "A gorgeous entertainment" (A.O. Scott, New York Times). Mei is an exotic, beautiful blind dancer, associated with a dangerous revolutionary gang, known as the House of Flying Daggers. Captured by officers of the decadent Tang Dynasty, Mei finds herself both threatened - and attracted - to the most unusual circumstances. Here, her heart and loyalties battle each other, amid warriors in the treetops and dazzling combat - the likes of which have never before been seen!



  • House of Flying Daggers

    By Camille Lenore
    Great movie
  • 6 star unexpectedly

    By Thunderrater
    It was a movie I was searching for a long time in my life to watch—something like this. It reminded me during the movie how I can get over a breakup yet fall in love so powerfully— different kind of time and willings of love also remind me the possibleness and hope that the world can carry sometimes. The 2 main characters are very well talented actor , actress. Bravo to Chinese action movie! I recommend Bollywood movies as well if you like this colorful spirited action as well! It contains a powerful message of life choice and LOVE..
  • Great movie

    By Darkknight4evr
    Really well made but which version is available for purchase the bloody version or edited one?
  • Needs to be 4K

    By HaroldnCA
    Great film. Absolutely gorgeous. Needs a 4K release.
  • Two and a half stars.

    By totallyawesome_
    If you like watching Zhang Ziyi for two hours, then this movie is ok. Otherwise, the script is "intellectually limited" as the rotten tomatoes quote states. It is like the story was written by a 11 year old. The acting, direction, martial arts, special effects, and script were below par too. The special effects actually take away from the movie as they are so unrealistic. Some martial arts movies are mesmerizing to watch. This isn't. The cinematography is good to watch. It is well shot. The martial arts is below par. Its like watching guys who don't know how to fight, fight. They just jump around and flay randomly in the air. This film could have been a good one, but the ideas in it weren't developed enough to make it absorbing. On the whole the movie is like it was made by a bunch of kids. The acting script and direction were really immature. Zhang Ziyi is the saving grace of this movie. If she wasn't in it, this movie would be 0 stars.
  • Appropriate Title!

    By Orbisman
    This entire movie feels like a bunch of flying daggers bobbing and weaving through the air like a flock of birds. Made my head spin, but in a good way.
  • Raekwon, from the Wu-Tang clan

    By mssrock
    Any relation between this movie and raekwons martial arts filled music video of his song by the same name?
  • really good but too complicated

    By jesshoagie93
    I watched this in school and it was definitely one of my favorite films so far. the action was great although you could tell easily that they were on wires. The chemistry between the main characters was very pronounced. However, there were too many plot twists at the end and it made the movie more confusing to understand. They all came at once and made the movie less fluid. But overall it was a really good movie!
  • WHY 5 Stars

    By Eedee3
    Because- of its last 30 mins. I wont give away any more, just watch and nod after its all over, remembering this post. My only concerns were with the choice of color and certain frames. Goody.
  • Awesome movie

    By srcav
    This movie is best when it is in it's original language. Reading the subtitles is not an issue, when dubbed, it seems like a hokey foreign film, in it's original language, it seems more elegant. If you hate subtitles, it anyway, it's a truly beautifully done movie.
