Boot Camp

Boot Camp

By Christian Duguay

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2009-08-25
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 39min
  • Director: Christian Duguay
  • Production Company: Great Pacific Media
  • Production Country: Canada, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 25 Ratings


A group of at-risk are sent to a rehabilitation program housed in a remote camp on the island of Fiji. The film follows Sophie, a Denver teenager who misses her real father and dislikes her new stepfather. When her "acting out" leads to a serious disturbance at a social function, her parents end her to the Advanced Sensitivity Achievement Program (ASAP) in the remote Fiji islands. Although her parents believe that ASAP is a state-of-the-art deluxe institution in a beautiful natural environment turns out to be a prison-like boot camp where they are abused and brainwashed. When her boyfriend back in Denver learns of the true nature of the program, he causes himself to be sent to the camp as well in order to help her escape.



  • Scared me straight haha

    By tasaero124
    Very well done movie makes you think what would you do if you were in that situation. I was sorta sad to see that one guy die in that car crash at the end. Being chained to a block of cement and left out for the waves does not look like very much fun. Lots of action :)
  • A Must watch

    By VictorQ213
    Boot Camp is a really good film. The story was good and some scenes were hard to watch. I'm a Mila Kunis fan and she did an awesome job in this flick as did Peter Stormare. The film shows the wrongs that these "so called " camps can do to teens. All in all, this is a must watch and you won't regret watching it.

    By Gaby.with1b

    By Johnr132
    Better then expected .
  • Should watch

    By trick001
    Really well done film with excellent acting and even better cinematography. It was really beautifully shot and the overall production design did a great job of making the place look as miserable as the kids probably felt. Definitely worth the rental and/or purchase price.
  • crazy movie..but in a good way(:

    By pandalove31
    This movie is a really good movie! Its just so crazy how this is bootcamp runs, and the movie demonstrates how unrealistic the program works! Great movie overall :D really recommend it!!
  • You gotta OWN this movie!

    By Uradamnfool
    This movie was GREAT! Hard to believe this was based on a true story. It was very well-acted. A MUST HAVE!!!!

    By Ethan Poryes
    my new fav
  • Amazing!

    By Bubbe7309
    This was such a great movie, I loved it and I would definetly reccomend it to everyone :)
  • hard to watch but good.

    By johnsmith2001
    Well the movie was relatively good, and at the same time, one is allowed to witness the injustices that went on in this supposed true story. It was a real eye opener to a very real problem and frequently while watching it, I became infuriated with the idea that kids are treated like slaves. Of course, im not saying all of these types of camps are bad but im sure there are some like this that really need to be dealt with. I know from experience how devasting one of these camps is on people because my sister was forced by my parents to go to a very similar camp, where she claimed she witnessed outright cruelty and what she called a murder. When she returned she had lost education opportunities, lost friends, a romance; she got a job, quickly moved out, and my parents have never seen her again. In fact,they tried to visit her children and she got a restraining order against them. She believed our parents knew her crimes did not deserve that level of punishment and she knew that they knew exactly how bad it really was, but they still believed that horrible camp was the best option. My sister's story and "Boot Camp" are perfect examples of how "tough love" can go terribly wrong, and I strongly reccomend it to anyone who's looking to enlighten themselves with knowledge of a relatively unknown crime.
