

By Christian Duguay

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1996-01-26
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 48min
  • Director: Christian Duguay
  • Production Company: Fuji Eight Company Ltd.
  • Production Country: Canada, Japan, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 542 Ratings


The year is 2078. The man is rebel Alliance Commander Col. Joseph Hendricksson (Peter Weller), assigned to protect the Sirius 6B outpost from ravage and plunder at the hands of the New Economic Bloc.His state-of-the-art weaponry are known as Screamers; man-made killing devices programmed to eliminate all enemy life forms. Screamers travel underground; their intent to kill announced by ear-piercing shrieks. They dissect their victims with sushi precision, then eradicate all traces of the carnage. They are lethal. Effective. Tidy. And, somehow, they are mutating and self-replicating into human form and slaughtering every beating heart on the planet.



  • Its you, not me.

    By Rowan Kerr
    If you don't like it, your the problem not the movie.
  • Awesome!!

    By Cruetonicplague
    What a great sci-fi flick for its time. Did see that they tried rebooting it but the preview looked terrible so I haven't wasted the money on it yet. This one though I def recommend to any fan of science fiction
  • Screamers vs. Blade Runner!!

    By B Amin
    Both movies are serious sci-fi flicks.But I don't think they both are comparable.Both are unique in its own way! I think , "Blade Runner" was good but it was a bit slower and sluggish, while "screamers" is short movie but fast paced and gruesomely violent. Between these two movies, I would rather prefer "Screamers". At least, I watched it several times in these many years.
  • A must have for fans of La Femme Nikita

    By Seymour93
    This isn't a bad movie. In fact, it's pretty good and has some good twists along the way. If you're a fan of the TV show La Femme Nikita (not the latest reboot, the one from the '90s), then this is a must-have because the guy who played Michael (Roy Dupois) is one of the leads (he has the second or third biggest part). He looks great (of course)! And it was cool to see him in another English language project (he does a lot of stuff in French).
  • Good scifi horror

    By From Genesis to Revelation
    Great scifi film with some surprises at the end. The sequel sucked but this is good
  • Classic

    By apunkrocka
    I like this movie its a total classic in my Book plus it was onle 4.99 to own so i figured why not :)
  • Love this Movie.

    By WagonBurner666
    I remember when I first saw this movie it was back in 1997 when I was about 12 and it came on HBO. After I watched it I was like damn. Even now I think some sci fi movies today don't add up. Just saying it's kickass I give it 5 stars. If you want to see another kickass scifi movie watch Event Horizon.
  • Very bad sci-fi

    By Michael_Dorn
    This is one silly plot. It is the story-logic is anti-intuitive and nonsensical. The plot is also pathetically derivative--the sum of which leaves one feeling nauseous. I recommend to avoid this movie.
  • Screamers

    By leonydus300
    A very well done sci-fi original. Pretty good acting and very clever concept that hadn't been explored. Special effects are great. Nice to enjoy a movie where sex and swearing aren't necessary. Weller does a great job. I'm biased as i've always liked him as a solid actor. Enjoy!
  • Great Phillip K Dick Sci-Fi

    By NYC Marine
    This a hidden gem in the sci-fi genre. A great mix of technology, paranoia, and goverment conspiracy. This is a movie with an edge. Worth watching.
