

By Sidney Lumet

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1976-11-27
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 1min
  • Director: Sidney Lumet
  • Production Company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,789 Ratings


Academy Award, Emmy and Golden-Globe winner Faye Dunaway ("Chinatown," "Bonnie and Clyde") and Academy Award and Golden Globe-winner Peter Finch ("Sunday Bloody Sunday," "The Nun's Story") star in this powerful and still-relevant satire of the news industry. When a news anchor has a nervous breakdown on live television, and threatens to kill himself on a following live newscast, the event is manipulated by his driven producer into a ratings smash. Nominated for 10 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Director, Actress, Supporting Actress, Original Screenplay and two for Actor (it won for Actor, Actress, Supporting Actress and Original Screenplay), and winner of four Golden Globe awards, including Best Director, Actor and Actress. Also starring Academy Award-winner William Holden ("Sunset Boulevard," "The Wild Bunch"), Academy Award-winner Beatrice Straight ("Poltergeist," "The Nun's Story"), Academy Award and Golden Globe-winner and Emmy-nominee Robert Duvall ("Falling Down," "The Godfather" 1 and 2).



  • What can I say?

    By Diarrhea Dave
    I mean, it’s without question one of the best screenplays ever written. That alone makes it a must see. I could watch Ned Beatty’s brief performance on a loop for days on end and never get bored with it. Add to that Lumet at the top of his game (was he ever not though, really?) and you have one of the greatest American films ever made.
  • This movie is a must for those informed souls

    By Zip Martin
    I saw this film as a young child in the early eighties, and it made a strong impression. I never forgot it's words and meaning. Now back then I didn't have a full grasp of its message but it enlightened me to the ways of the world. It is a movie that still holds up today. Please this truly is a must watch take sometime in your life and watch this and let it sink in you will be freed by it if you open up your mind to its core message. Thank you
  • Give me Jesus ! :-) I am a Human Being God Be Blessed !

    By DJ Lee
    The EPIC highlight of this film is the full length "I'm Mad As Hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Clip - such a TIMELESS speech, and you can see just this clip on YouTube. STILL true today... GET MAD, not mad and do bad things - but Mad at Sin ! Mad at all the EVIL in this world, all the crime and killing and nonsence and war and death and bombings and greed and hurting wrongdoing ! First get MAD, and Shout - I AM A HUMAN BEING GOD BLESS IT ! Then love Jesus, and do GOOD helpful things to cure this world of harmful evil things.... :-) God Bless NETWORK!
  • One of the best movies ever

    By ticketytwo
    It's on sundance now and I just remembered I don't own it! Problem solved!
  • Network

    By DerstinRercklerng
    In most ways, Network's satire is much more relevant today; as in milking something until it's practically dead and and needs to be disposed of. Smartly written and cleverly acted, I only have one grievance with this film: at least everyone has a chance to yell at someone else at some point—even the minor characters! Nonetheless, still a great movie.
  • Plane ride

    By Drayton Yankee
    Looking for that movie to watch on a long coast to coast flight. This is the one. A classic, relevant to today , a great cast and story line. It's 2 hours long so it will fill a good part of that long trip. Enjoy!

    By Person of Few Words
    If you have ever wondered how tv works. Just any bit of curiousity you have as to why certain things happen. Any questions at all. I can assure you they will be answered just by watching this classic movie.
  • Beyond excellent.

    By Hesprus.
    When I first heard of this movie it sounded pretty good, after watching I came to the conclusion that it was everything I was told and a lot more I can't recommend this highly enough.
  • Network

    By Arggy
    Typically DARK in every sense! Did not like it at all! It's value however may lie in the recognition of the very fearful manner in which the media affects reality and even influences it.
  • Oh yeah…

    By RazorChild
    … I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore! I saw this when I was kid, in the theatre and I continue to speak of this film to this day. I'm so glad to see it here on iTunes. This film, no matter how old you are, raises your level of awareness. It's good to know that you can think objectively and see the world for what it is, rather than be duped into believing what its not.
