The Verdict

The Verdict

By Sidney Lumet

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1982-12-17
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 8min
  • Director: Sidney Lumet
  • Production Company: 20th Century Fox
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 652 Ratings


Sidney Lumet's riveting courtroom drama earned five Oscar® nominations including Best Picture and Best Actor for Paul Newman's towering performance as a down-and-out alcoholic attorney who stumbles onto one last chance to redeem himself. When attorney Frank Calvin (Newman) is given an open-and-shut medical malpractice case that no one thinks he can win, he courageously decides to refuse a settlement from the hospital. Instead he takes the case, and the entire legal system, to court. Written by famed playwright David Mamet.



  • Brilliant!!!

    By GlennBond
    Great great movie! One of Paul Newman’s best! Great story! Great cast! Great Director! A must see!
  • You'll be hanging half off your seat!

    By IrishPirQueen
    If ever Paul Newman delivered a flawless, cerebral, emotive performance his interpretation of Frank Gavin is it! He's backed by a terrific cast– Jack Warner, Milo O'Shea, James Mason. Gavin is a highly principled but down-on-his luck Boston lawyer with a little drinking problem. Attorney Jack Warden refers a sure money-maker case to him. A young woman lost her life in the ER and her devastated family sues the doctor. The amoral defense attorney, played chillingly by James Mason, represents the Catholic Church who own the hospital. Milo O'Shea is the judge in this courtroom drama who is anything but fair and objective. Charlotte Rampling is Frank's new girlfriend. And not everything is as it seems going in. Paul Newman as Frank Gavin certainly deserved an Oscar!!! (So did Ben Kingsley in "Gandhi", a totally different sort of role. And the Academy could have handed out two Oscars. They did so at least once before.) This movie was far superior to "The Color of Money" although I certainly would not begrudge him that award; it’s a horse of a different colour. Paul was such an exceptionally fine actor. Who can forget Luke, Butch, Rocky? If you haven’t seen "The Verdict" rent it and watch it: tonight!
  • Seriously, iTunes...

    By ZeppoFosterKane
    I would’ve purchased this film ages ago if it were in HD. iTunes— y’all need to create an option where people who purchase the SD source file can pay the difference/surcharge (anywhere from $2.99-$9.99) for the same film in HD when it becomes available later.
  • Don't Buy

    By MattyBuh
    This is a fine movie but the picture quality is awful.
  • Why Isn't the HD 16x9 Version Available

    By PTVMan
    This is by far one of my favorite movies. Turner Classic Movies plays The Verdict in gorgeous HD 16x9. Why is the iTunes version a grainy, terrible looking SD 4x3 version?
  • Masterpiece of courtroom drama!

    By Buzzdarrell58
    I have nothing but praise for Sidney Lumet's 'The Verdict' and for Paul Newman's brilliant performance. His fight to regain his self-dignity, in one last ditch effort with this case, is powerful and real. The only problem is with the download of the film. Picture looks great (not bad in SD) BUT the aspect ratio is off?? It is listed as widescreen and it IS presented that way BUT they have squeezed the picture in from the sides of the frame making the actors look thin and distorted. Please iTunes fix this problem. I love this movie and want to watch it numerous times now that it is in my library. Thank you! UPDATE!!!! Thank you so much iTunes!!! That was such a fast response and fix of the aspect ratio!! The picture framing is PERFECT NOW!! You have a loyal customer with me! I love my iTunes Movie Library!! I really appreciate your effort to satisfy your customer!!!
  • The Verdict

    By Head Maroon
    Without a doubt one of Paul Newman's finest performances. His portrayal of down and but not out Frank Galvin is masterful. Jack Warden is excellent as his friend and savior. The courtroom scenes are riveting, probably some of the best written. An outstanding film.
  • Perfect screenplay

    By Steel Penny
    This terrific movie, with outstanding performances and directing, boasts an excellent screenplay, a template for the "simple story with complex characters" quality that characterizes most great screenplays. Newman got a good one here and made the most out of it. Can watch this one over and over.
  • Newman's best performance

    By Ghostbear
    Newman's best performance and yes he was robbed at the Oscars that year. Great cast and great writing. Jack Warden though has the best line in the movie. I've liked this movie ever since it came out and even after watching many of Newman's films over the years I still think this is his best work.
  • Excellent !!!

    By GCDFW
    "The Verdict" is excellent! Paul Newman and the entire company delivers a truly authentic slice of Bostonian legal practice in the late-70s! The heavy hand of an entrenched, well-established Boston law firm, a defense-favored judge, and the backing of the Catholic Church paints a grim outlook for Frank (Paul Newman) to win subway fare; much less a decent victory for his working-class client. A proposed settlement from the ArchDiocese, ultimate owner of the Catholic hospital responsible for the malpractice, is quickly turned down by Frank showing his strength of character and legal ethic that is brought to bear through to his closing argument. Newman gives a five-star performance as does his supporting cast. The story line includes a few twists and eye openers to a simple malpractice case making the film an intense drama; worthy of the rental and/or purchase price and certainly the run-time.
