The Golden Voyage of Sinbad

The Golden Voyage of Sinbad

By Gordon Hessler

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1974-06-06
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 1h 44min
  • Director: Gordon Hessler
  • Production Company: Columbia Pictures
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 231 Ratings


This is a spectacular adventure set in mysterious ancient lands inhabited by incredible creatures! Sinbad (John Phillip Law), Prince of Baghdad and legendary sailor, finds an intriguing map and sets sail for the previously uncharted island of Lemuria with a beautiful slave girl, Margiana (Caroline Munro), and the Grand Vizier of the land of Marabia. Prince Koura (Tom Baker), an evil wizard who is trying to gain control of malevolent spirits, follows in an effort to thwart Sinbad's quest. Sinbad reaches Lemuria in spite of an enchantment Koura casts upon the giant figurehead of Sinbad's ship which brings it to life. On Lemuria, Sinbad and his stalwart crew encounter a six-armed, sword-brandishing statue, a one-eyed centaur and a griffin. Finally, Sinbad confronts Koura in a face-to-face duel to the death!



  • Golden Voyage is a Great Adventure

    By William-B
    Many have already remarked on how this is the best of the three Harryhausen Sinbad films. The sweeping music, the romantic quest, and the best Sinbad cast assembled all count for a better movie all around. So even if none of the creatures quite matches the cyclops in "7th Voyage of Sinbad" it's a small matter. The little gargoyles that the wizard uses as spies are animated with as much skill as Harryhausen's giant creatures and are more devious creations. But if they don't impress you, the six armed statue and the living masthead certainly will. John Phillip Law, Caroline Munro, and Tom Baker are all great in this. The attractive couple and the desperate villain create plenty of human interest among the stop motion creatures.
  • I love it!

    Loved it the first time I ever saw it, not as a child but as an adult. It entertains me everytime, and I'm just too glad to own it on iTunes.
  • Better than the others

    By Demonologist
    The Golden Voyage of Sinbad is probably the best out the trilogy. Plus a great watch for the fourth doctor fans as the antagonist prince Koura is played by non other than TOM BAKER the fourth doctor. I think its great now and when i saw it when I was 12 (2 years ago).
  • Good for it's time

    By Your Face Is By
    I saw this movie back when I was 6, and I liked it, but now, with all the hyped up computer graphics and images, this movie would be a load of trash to most teenagers. I have the movie on my ipod, because I love classics, but I recommend all those who have not seen this movie to rent it first, and see if you like it, then buy it.
