Scream and Scream Again

Scream and Scream Again

By Gordon Hessler

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 1970-02-11
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 34min
  • Director: Gordon Hessler
  • Production Company: American International Pictures
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 97 Ratings


A deranged scientist, seeking to create a race of super-humans by means of organic transplants, commits a series of brutal murders in order to utilize the bodies in his bizarre experiments. He is unmasked by Scotland Yard and dies in a vat of acid in his own laboratory.



  • ...

    By weezeebopper
    So fake it's not even scary...
  • Mediocre Hammer Film

    By Mister_D.
    The plot is a mess, and it is unclear for a long time exactly what the story is supposed to be focusing on, and which characters are the nominal leads. It has some good ideas, though, and the iconic actors are always fun to watch, even in the fairly small parts they have here. And while the film as a whole is quite tame, there is one particular sequence of scenes involving a jogger in the hospital that I found effective and creepy. There's also a chase sequence that'll have you asking why exactly it is that British cops don't carry firearms, even when they are planning to apprehend a serial killer. In the end, I would only recommend this to horror fans already steeped in the Hammer/Amicus library. For fans just starting to explore this chapter in horror history, there are many better alternatives (Dr. Phibles, Theater of Blood, Tales from the Crypt, the early Dracula and Frankenstein films, etc).
  • Campy

    By morgana_le_faye
    This is a campy film that by todays standards is quite tame. Fun for a movie night with friends or a Saturday afternoon. The synopsis is wrong, however, in stating that this is the only film to star the big three (Price, Cushing & Lee). You can find them all in House of The Long Shadows. Enjoy
