

By Woody Allen

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 1979-03-14
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Woody Allen
  • Production Company: United Artists
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,434 Ratings


Woody Allen portrays a very successful television writer who is tired of churning out pap comedy, and sets out to write a serious novel. He can make people laugh, but can he make them feel? Allen seems also set on collecting for himself every neurosis known to humankind. He sometimes lives with teenager Mariel Hemingway, but their age difference is producing guilt. Introduced to Diane Keaton, Allen finds her annoying, aggressive...and fascinating. He leaves Hemingway, however, Keaton returns to her former lover, Allen's best friends, and they become "just friends." Allen's ex-wife (Meryl Streep) has written a successful book, "Marriage, Divorce and Selfhood" --it turns Allen into a worldwide weirdo and explains her newfound lesbianism. When the abandoned Hemingway is about to leave the country to finish her education, Allen realizes the depth of his love for her.



  • Flawed masterpiece

    By Maurice R.
    One of Allen’s best. A cinematic gem. I do have a problem with Allen’s character relationship with a child. I suppose art is a reflection of reality but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth regardless. This Is the reason I can’t consider this a 5 star review.
  • Neato

    By NitaVier808
    first time watching Manhattan and this is a sweet comedy movie. Pure awesomeness!
  • My favorite

    By Manuel94
    I saw this film when my university in Colombia organized a woody allen festival in 1984; I like it since then, as was the fist time outside my philosophy class where the name of Kierkegaard was mentioned, and he is mentioned a lot in Allen's films. It has a great plot and lines and capture the stressed meaningless lives of the American people.
  • Near perfect film

    By ShanghaiTex84
    I love everything about this movie. Many people would agreed that it is one of the best so why can I only rent it? Please make this available to buy.
  • May I purchase, please?

    By touchofevil
    Can't iTunes and MGM just get along? I'd like to buy not rent.
  • Manhattan

    By Gnedenko
    It is another Woody Allen great.
  • A beautiful film to look at, evocative pathos

    By DeziAndOllie
    I absolutely adore this film from Mr. Allen. The soundtrack, the cinematography, the superb acting from the cast and the storyline (never an old one; it just gets more mellow with time). I JUST WISHED YOU COULD BUY IT ONLINE TO KEEP, my only complaint. I really want to own this movie as part of my Itunes movie library along with his other brilliant work: Annie Hall. I hope Itunes or truly the distributor will actually allow these films to be released for purchase and not rent only. My only complaint. This film is sublime, always will be.
  • Mesmerizing

    By Shredder 418
    No words explain my love for this film other than... Buy it.
  • Yes. Yes. Yes. And no.

    By The Steves
    There are visual aspects of this movie that are among the best of any films ever made, especially those that took place in New York. The opening sequence is breathtaking. Art and poetry. The best of the genre. And then, it drifts. Not just a little creepy. But sort of like Manhattan Murder Mystery without the irony. If you like Woody Allen, this one is a must. But Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters, Purple Rose of Cairo, Radio Days and Midnight in Paris are better, wittier, more entertaining. I think his best film is Crimes and Misdemeanors. Which is flat out disturbing when it isn't hysterical. Why the bad guys win.
  • Pure genius

    By Benbmore
    Woody Allen is an artistic genius. Not everything he makes hits the mark but the ones that do are legendary. Manhattan, Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters, Interiors, and Husbands and Wives -- these films are his best work. The writing, the direction, the totally self-absorbed yet vulnerable characters, the pure wit. Manhattan strikes a chord with me because I love movies about complex characters and their relationships, and because Manhattan is my favorite place in the world. His vision of New York in this film is the New York that I want to see, feel, and be a part of.
