Irrational Man

Irrational Man

By Woody Allen

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2015-07-17
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 34min
  • Director: Woody Allen
  • Production Company: Perdido Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,393 Ratings


Soon after arriving to teach at a small town college, Abe Lucas (Joaquin Phoenix) gets involved with two women, Rita Richards (Parker Posey), a lonely professor who wants him to rescue her from her unhappy marriage; and Jill Pollard (Emma Stone), his best student, who becomes his closest friend. While Jill loves her boyfriend Roy (Jamie Blackley), she finds Abe's tortured, artistic personality and exotic past irresistible. Pure chance changes everything when Abe and Jill overhear a stranger's conversation and when Abe makes a profound choice, he is able to embrace life to the fullest again. But his decision sets off a chain of events that will affect him, Jill and Rita forever.



  • Woody Allen may achive but Irrational Man is missiable

    By Nicholas becerra
    Irrational Man discuess it's terms of form when it comes to newcomers in small towns or special direction from Woody Allen who makes such good films like (Annie Hall, Blue Jasmine, Manhattan and To Rome with Love) Although Irrational Man is not difference towards other Woody Allen films in his series of brilliant films. Normanlly i disprove Woody Allen films but he has talent not saying he is a bad director iam saying that Irrational Man dosen't quite manage to be hailrious and likable. The movie follows Alcoholic desprite man named Abe Lucas (Joaquin Phoenix, The Master, Inherent Vice, Her and Walk the Line) who has just recently moved to a small town to teach for a college campus. Abe Lucas is living the teaching dream when he meets two lovely women, Rita Richards (Parker Posey) a lonley professor who is in a rocky marriage wants to ecompany in Abe's life, then Jill (Emma Stone, Crazy Stupid Love, Zombieland, Alohla, Superbad) a confident student is close friends with Abe after hearing a tragic convesration which sets Abe on a law of justice into his own hands (Professionally). Needless to say Woody Allen's decpition on a depressed man with interacting with people without emotions or confidence to support one another and with wooden acting and bland cinematopgraphy makes Joaquin Phoenix's character so unlikable to likable when he starts his life over again it gets fraustating and complicated to figure out what Abe's motive which makes this film more scoopy and to reaslitc for the characters to be likable or show any confidnence towards emotions. Either way Irrational Man may be Woody Allen's underrated film to date although with it's wooden acting and complicated writting it's still undeinedably hailrious and sometimes bland-rating 4/10.
  • Comedy For Philosophers - Boring for Rubes

    By Eddiev3x
    An interesting and often times funny film for those who are familiar with philosophy and enjoy it. Its also a bit of a moral/philosophical experiment. Those who know nothing of philosophy or are turned off by it WILL NOT enjoy this, but that doesnt mean its not any good.
  • v.v.bad

    By moonpath
    The story line is so naive and not entertaining. The acting terrible. Some dialogs are funny, but overall a bad movie (and I am Allan’s fan).
  • Disappointing

    By Letychee
    Come on, comedy? Pffff
  • Think Matchpoint meets Scoop

    By fraeuleinbpunkt
    This is a comedy but definitely a dark and ironic one. Stay away if you're into Ted/Oldschool/Bruce Almighty kind of comedies. But a Woody Allen fan will truly appreciate this gem. Wonderful acting by the entire cast, beautiful picture and, of course, brilliant dialogues and story. Of all the Woody Allen movies, this one is in the top 5 to me (loved Blue Jasmine, Midnight in Paris, Matchpoint, and When in Rome the most)... I loved it.
  • A philosophical stroll in the park

    By Catalystgrrl
    I usually dislike Woody Allen films because they often sound like Allen's angst-ridden manner of speech, (and I find him morally reprehensible). That said, I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Foremost, the two actors, Phoenix and Stone, are always a delight to watch, but also because the film is set atop a background of philosophical thought, with brief mentions of Sarte, Kant, Heidegger, and de Beauvoir, that carry the plot quite nicely. An unpredictable film (which is a feat, in itself) that had me rooting for the protagonist probably quite a bit longer than most audiences.
  • comedy?

    By Myselfselfself
    really guys? u should be more serious about the fact...... come on!!!!!
