The Charge of the Light Brigade

The Charge of the Light Brigade

By Michael Curtiz

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1936-10-20
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 55min
  • Director: Michael Curtiz
  • Production Company: Woodfall Film Productions
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 65 Ratings


"Ours is not to question why, ours is but to do and die." Errol Flynn stars in a heroic epic based on the classic poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson. In this version, Major Geoffrey Vickers (Flynn--The Adventures of Robin Hood) leads a noble, futile charge into the Khyber Pass to revenge the massacre of the wives and children of a British garrison. Loosely based on the poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson.



  • Fiction, but so what!

    By elharks
    Yes, this is a work of fiction, but it doesn't matter. The story line is great, the musical score is tremendous and the acting is superb. They don't write lines like you find in this movie very often anymore and the delivery by the actors is top notch. Can you tell, I really like this film and highly recommend it! The charge at the end is something you know is coming throughout, but it still delivers excitement to the viewer. I especially enjoyed the verbal play between Surat Kahn and the British military brass. It's so much more than just conversation! If you've never viewed this film, treat yourself and see it. You'll be happy you did!
  • Very current in light of our war in Afghanistan...

    By Tonjim
    This movie shows how flaws in British foreign policy played out in the lives of her soldiers and highlights the bravery of individuals that far exceeds that of the policy-makers of the day. Great acting, wonderful subplots from a time when acting was required and the directors could not rely on special effects alone.
  • Not historical but not bad.

    By BrettL
    Anyone wishing to see a historical movie about the actual "Charge of the Light Brigade" which took place in the Crimea, not India, would do well to avoid this movie. Otherwise it is not bad.
  • clumsy romance, but fabulous old film

    By tchouli
    the romantic triangle between olivia de haviland and brothers played by patric knowles and errol flynn is but a fragile excuse for one of the most moving war movies of this classic genre. if it were entirely left out, the film would be finer for it. all told though, every performance is an excellent one. i would highly recommend it!
