Dodge City

Dodge City

By Michael Curtiz

  • Genre: Western
  • Release Date: 1939-04-01
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 43min
  • Director: Michael Curtiz
  • Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 100 Ratings


This is the film that inspired the Mel Brook's classic 'Blazing Saddles.' Classic Warner Brothers Western about a cowboy out to tame the wild west. Famout for a great barroom brawl scene.



  • Dodge City 🐎🐄💰🔫

    By Head Maroon
    A good old rootin' tootin' western with a great cast, exciting storyline, and the best barroom brawl ever. Errol Flynn is his usual handsome, charming self. Olivia de Havilland is beautiful, Alan Hale very entertaining. And everyone in between does a terrific job. Love this film.
  • This was a time when men were Men and Women were glad of it!

    By Strunzato
    Flynn was a man's man. His movies inspired heroism and comradeship and respect for the opposite sex. Male actors of today are full of themselves and if not for the green screen could not do the action scenes of actors like Flynn. Hear that Cruise and the dweeb who plays Jason Bourne.
  • worst trailer of all time

    By cantthinko1
    The plot summery is so bad the word "famous" is misspelled. The trailer isn't about the movies story.
  • Great Olivia de Haviland/Errol Flynn movie.

    By ginalollobrigida
    The title says it all.
  • YeeHaw!

    By Cakeart
    This is a timeless classic western with an "A list" cast. It has a cattle drive, barroom brawl, lynch mob, and train chase. Good versus evil, and guy gets girl. Who could ask for more? If you like classic westerns, you'll love Dodge City! And it was good enough for Mel Brooks to spoof!
