Fiddler On the Roof

Fiddler On the Roof

By Norman Jewison

  • Genre: Musicals
  • Release Date: 1971-11-03
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 3h 1min
  • Director: Norman Jewison
  • Production Company: United Artists
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 579 Ratings


Norman Jewison's adaptation of the long-running Broadway musical is set in the Ukranian ghetto village of Anatevka. Tevye the milkman, played by Israeli actor Topol, is constantly being challenged by his poverty, the romantic entanglements of his five daughters, and the prejudicial attitudes of non-Jews. Tevye carries on lengthy conversations with God whenever the weight of the world becomes too much for him, he does not answer but he is at least more willing to listen than the milkman's remonstrative wife Golde. Tevye is forced to do some quick rearranging when his oldest daughter Tzeitel falls in love with poor tailor Motel Kamzoil after he has already arranged a marriage between her and wealthy butcher Lazar Wolf. Fancying himself more broad-minded than his gentile oppressors, Tevye cannot accept the notion that his other daughter Chava would want to marry Fyedka, a non-Jew. When Tevye and his neighbors are forced out of Anatevka by the Czar's minions he must find a way to change his tune and his entire life.



  • A good movie about Jews

    By Kels 1819
    I love this movie the songs and the acting and the story are so good it is a powerful classic movie about tradition and change and a community.

  • Beautiful musical

    By AnonnonLauri
    To bad I can’t watch it. Another movie I paid full price for just taken out of my library.
  • Extremely good, but not a "family film"

    By Furutan1
    The joys and depressing elements even themselves out. Brilliant film based on a brilliant Broadway hit. One of the few to make and truly excellent transition from stage to screen. iTunes lists this as a "family film" but parts of it are too much of a downer for anyone under the age of 12.
  • If this doesn’t move you, you’ve no pulse.

    By BreeInGilbertAZ
    From the beginning of the beautifully art decorated masterpiece, you almost forget you are watching a musical. Topol as Tevye is simply magnificent. His introspective thoughts come across the screen brilliantly. You can see his eyes think and rethink. I was too young to see the great Zero Mostel on Broadway, but know others who did and say Topol is better. The fourth wall is broken throughout and that genuinely draws one in. Norman Jewison made this as a labor of love. The characters are so endearing and memorable - more than on stage. The writing moves the plot so fast that if you tune in for the first few minutes, you’re hooked for the rest of the film - you can’t escape its captivity of your heart, mind and soul. You will laugh, get upset, you will cry. You will be moved. You will be changed. The message in this film still remains pertinent today, no matter your religious belief or disbelief. Anatevka is wonderfully portrayed throughout the film as events unfold and traditions evolve over the seasons. The music is some of the most memorable and the choreography is incredible. It’s an endearing insight into Jewish heritage and culture. It’s a shame this film gets so critically overlooked, but the Library of Congress did not miss it - they saw the cultural and historic value. On stage, this is incredible - and on screen, the viewer gets even more insight. More interaction with the Fiddler. All the cast is perfect - the acting is phenomenal and genuine. This must-see move is a 10/10.✅
  • Eternal truths

    By Psychonater
    Story of all of us when our world is shaken. I had the pleasure of seeing Topol do the stage version of this when I was in London a few years ago. Amazing on stage and on film.
  • Love this movie

    By Tabitha Clemmons
    I love Fiddler On The Roof. I saw it in music class when I was still in elementary school
  • excellent

    I recently tried out for Fiddler on the Roof at my school and when I got Golde I decided that I had to watch it and I love it!
  • Awesome movie

    By Cpc. 70
    Awesome Great
  • Truly inspired and inspiring!

    By Ursulajq
    As a life-long fan of musicals, on stage and on screen, it is impossible for me to decide which one I love the best. Fiddler consistently makes my top 3 of all time, and I've been listening to, watching, and singing the songs of musicals since the early 1960's. Fantastic movie version of the stage version, love John Williams' score, and Topol, oh Topol, how well you lead us into this sad, sweet, heartbreaking, joyous, and beautiful story. Thank you, thank you, thank you.....
