

By David Lynch

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1985-01-01
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 16min
  • Director: David Lynch
  • Production Company: Legendary Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 13,291 Ratings


Dazzling special effects, unforgettable images and powerful performances highlight David Lynch's stunning film version of Frank Herbert's classic science fiction epic about an intergalactic warrior's messianic rise. Starring Kyle MacLachlan, Jose Ferrer, Max von Sydow, Oscar® winner Linda Hunt and Sting, Dune is the ultimate adventure experience that goes beyond the imagination.



  • So good if you’re a fan

    By fgdgfdfdfd
    I think it’s better. So eerie.
  • Five stars not enough!

    By Axlrules
    David Lynch made a science fiction movie for a major studio!!!! I know they interfered with him every second but whatever he was able to get through is so thoroughly brilliant that nothing else matters!
  • Boring

    By VaBinky
    Huge sci-fi fan but this was awful. It was just a hard slog to get though the dialogue. I see a sequel is coming out. Hard pass.
  • Don’t see it.

    By Sir baggy bottoms
    Don’t see this. The characters spend more time talking to them selfs the actual talking to other characters. Plus it’s just really silly. Plus the main character you can see or I could see. He will be the new bad empire.
  • Remember watching this with your emo girlfriend

    By Katie Perrie
    in 2002? I do.

    By balance of judgement
    The extended cut is way better!!!!!
  • Dune

    By imLuccyHi
    heyCongratulations you won your self a copy of DUNE (notthemovie)the book please keep all guarddowgs in doors we areLicense to carry dogpepperspray .. WE PROMISE T0 DO THE IMPOSSIBLE TO GET YOU YOUR COPY OF DUNE(notthemovie) ....please write a review if you like to decline the free gift by dunesDay(10/23/21) ownership should be highly owned (no need to call customer serves) it just a movie right??
  • I love when they ride the worms lol

    By jsnooks@denver
    Lots going on with this one bruh
  • Sci-fi channel did it better

    By rehbda
    iTunes should add the 2 Dune miniseries from the sci-fi channel with Alec Newman.
  • a flawed yet superbly ambitious and effective visualization

    By rianrizvi
    this film best serves people who have read the book. unusually, the cinematic rendition only adds to the otherworldly experience that readers of the novel enjoyed. this movie is a deserved cult classic.
