

By John Carroll Lynch

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2017-09-29
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 28min
  • Director: John Carroll Lynch
  • Production Company: Divide / Conquer
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 580 Ratings


Having out lived and out smoked all of his contemporaries, the fiercely independent Lucky finds himself at the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration, leading towards that which is so often unattainable: enlightenment. Acclaimed character actor John Carroll Lynch’s directorial debut, Lucky, is at once a love letter to the life and career of Harry Dean Stanton as well as a meditation on mortality, loneliness, spirituality, and human connection.



  • Interesting little indie film 👍💜

    By Faux Anonymity
    A truly enjoyable “slice of life” movie. Well done by the cast. Loved it 👏💙
  • Realism is a thing

    By molabola
    As reflections of life and death on film go I can think of none truer than this. Realism indeed is a thing.
  • Not good

    By Jiminy43
    Pointless drivel dressed up as intellectual artwork. If you watch this, watch it as a lesson about how this philosophy leads to a meaningless life with no purpose. The nihilism is strong with this one.
  • a gem

    By doughern
    a nice way to end his film career. Lucky!!
  • Lucky

    By SugarSkrull256
    Harry Dean Stanton is Lucky, and Lucky is Harry Dean Stanton. I tip my hat to you. Bravo
  • Turned it off after half an hour

    By saganfan
    A profane old man living near a rural town in the American south west is old and gets older every day. He smokes a lot, he likes to do crossword puzzles. God it’s boring. I couldn’t stand more than half an hour before turning it off and that was restraining myself.
  • Absolutely worth watching

    By Diarrhea Dave
    Many may complain that the film is too slow or that it’s kind of pointless and made up of disjointed scenes, but it couldn’t be more false. While it definitely is deliberately paced, that’s because it represents the world these characters live in. And upon second viewing, you’ll see that every scene has a much deeper meaning, and every line has a ton of nuance. Not a wasted frame. Highly recommended, especially if you’re a fan of HDS. David Lynch also has a very significant role which took me by surprise in its poignancy.
  • He saved the best for last.

    By Jumpnap
    Harry Dean Stanton died about ten days before the release of this movie, not coincidentally the movie of his life, which opened briefly in theaters before heading to VOD. In the movie, Lucky may not be a Hollywood actor, but he drinks, smokes, lives, and acts like Stanton did, who made it to the age of 91. The movie moves as slow as the tortoise we see in the opening and closing shots of the movie, but that's on purpose, and it works. Lucky lives a routine life- practicing the same yoga moves, walking into town to eat at the same cafe, and drink at the same bar, then returning home to watch his shows- but one day staring at a blinking LED clock seems to cause him to fall. He goes to the doctor, but receives no answers, and his only conclusion is that his time is almost up. The rest of the movie involves the regular patrons at the bar, including some great performances by David Lynch, and even a brief onscreen reunion with Tom Skeritt. At the end Lucky says goodbye in his own way, but it's a wry smile from Stanton that informs us his was a different life, but still a life good lived.
  • Heck of a movie

    By brslc
    Really well done. I will try to implement what Lucky learned in my own life.
  • One of the most beautiful films of 2017

    By BeamingStreaming
    Truly Harry Dean Stanton’s magnum opus, the story of an old man finally dealing with the eventual inevitability of death. With close friend David Lynch occasionally appearing at his side, the film is both touching and brave in its depiction of man contemplating existence and non-existence. Harry Dean Stanton’s passing would happen 13 days before the films release, and couldn’t be more poetic as a capstone to a brilliant actor and career.
