A Fistful of Dollars

A Fistful of Dollars

By Sergio Leone

  • Genre: Western
  • Release Date: 1967-01-18
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: Sergio Leone
  • Production Company: Jolly Film
  • Production Country: Germany, Italy, Spain
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 4,326 Ratings


A pancho-clad, cigar-chewing, mysterious 'Man with No Name' rides into a small frontier town which is embroiled in a struggle for power between two families. He hires himself out as a mercenary, first to one faction and then to the other, with no regard for honor or morality. He plays both sides against the middle, collecting his money, until he eventually destroys both, leaving the town to the bartender, coffin-maker and bell ringer as he rides off into the desert from whence he came. Based on Akira Kurosawa's 1961 film Yojimbo.



  • Interesting

    By yothehdw
    I love Clint Eastwood and this movie is worth the money
  • Over 50 years later, it still holds up

    By Nuclearboy197
    There’s not much more to say about this movie. It’s a timeless classic and the first episode to one of the greatest trilogies in the history of film.
  • 4.5 stars

    By Bklners
    A Fistful of Dollars is an excellent movie. It is stylistic, exciting, well acted, and well written. A Fistful of Dollars also does something that not many movies can do, and makes you really hate the antagonist. The cinematography is pretty fantastic too. I would recommend watching this if you are a fan of westerns.
  • A towering great of a B movie

    By GoodOldMonkey
    Sergio Leone shows that a movie doesn’t need a lot of character development, or a logical plot, if you make clear, simple rules and stick to them. Clint Eastwood wanders into a Mexican village in the grip of two evil families, and they get what they ought to, with a lot of good gunplay, fine camera work and editing along the way. There are plenty of clichés, but they're part of a ritual we all know, so they don’t jar much. The bad guys are despicable, and the violence is convincing. And the music is incomparable.
  • Got screwed by iTunes

    By Ancyent Fathoms
    I purchased this film, YES … purchased the film, back in February of 2014. The 17th to be exact. I paid $14.99 for the HD version of it. It was on sale then through iTunes, but, somewhere in May, or so, of 2014, iTunes decided to revert the film to rent only status. Thus limiting the ownership. Here’s the crappy part. If you didn’t actually have a downloaded copy of the film on one of your devices, or otherwise stored on an external harddrive … poof, the film disappears from your iTunes movie section. I did not have a copy downloaded at that time, when iTunes made this film “rent only.” I rarely do for any of my movies because of space limitation on my Mac Book Pro. And I do not have an external drive for storage. I simply relied upon the fact that anytime I wanted to download the film, I could click on the download cloud icon overlaid on the movie poster within “my movies.” Or better said, I relied on the fact that I engaged in a monetary transaction with apple iTunes, that which I thought would have been upheld, even by them. I had email and bank verification of the money I spent. Here’s the kicker. iTunes takes the movie away. That is, the icon of the movie poster disappears in the “my movies” section. And of course there is no downloaded copy that I have on my harddrive. But iTunes doesn’t even refund me the money. HAHAhaha. Seriously. I don’t get an email, no notification, no monetary refund that the movie I paid for, which is no longer available to me, has just been taken away. Imagine buying a physical copy of the film from some vendor and three months later the vendor walks into your house, takes the disc back, and tells you to shut your mouth, and oh by the way, you won’t be getting your money back … That’s what happened. I scratched my head at all of this nonsense. I contacted iTunes, demanded a refund, they refused! I then demanded they allow me to download the film one last time, they refused. The only thing they were willing to do was give me three movie rental credits. Ha. Each credit valued at three dollars and 99 cents ($3.99), to be used toward future RENTALS. Unreal. It wasn’t even the amount of money that I paid originally for the film. 14.99 > 3.99 x 3. I felt totally ripped off. And, NO, I haven’t used any of the credits. And, NO, I haven;t spent a penny since then, nor will I. Mafia? - Nope, iTunes. Forget about it.
  • EPIC!!!

    By Chuck Norris 1999
    This is just one of the many epic movies that Clint Eastwood has made. The only bad thing is that you cant buy it. Its an epic movie and would sell like hotcakes. But the movie is still epic.
  • A fistful of money for nothing...movie's great, though

    By cbrwr
    So I bought this. Loved it, of course. THEN, it disappears from my library. Now, Apple says we can only rent it. I contact Apple. They say, "sorry, it isn't available to own." BUT I BOUGHT IT!! When one buys something, you are supposed to own it and have access to it when you want. Not with Apple. So be warned. When you buy something on here, Apple can take it back (and keep your money) whenever the feel like it... POOR BUSINESS PRACTICE. No wonder Apple stock has dropped so far. Zero innovation, poor customer relations, and an elitist sense of entitlement. As for the movie, AWESOME! this movie defines the genre. Characters don't exist like this anymore. Buy...oops...I mean...rent it. Or better yet, get it from somewhere else.
  • .

    By Sultan qtr
    No good
  • Best Western Ever

    By VJ Tocci
    Title says it all

    By Person of Few Words
    The one that started the legend that is The Man With No Name.
