The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

By Sergio Leone

  • Genre: Western
  • Release Date: 1967-12-29
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 58min
  • Director: Sergio Leone
  • Production Company: United Artists
  • Production Country: United States of America, Italy, Spain, Germany
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 8,851 Ratings


Set during the Civil War, three disparate drifters... (the poncho-clad, cigar-chewing, silent but supremely confident "Man With No Name"--The Good; the evil bounty hunter--The Bad; and a renegade Mexican bandit--The Ugly)... search for a Confederate cash box containing $200,000, which is hidden in a distant cemetery in an unmarked grave. Their journey will carry them through the ferocity of the Civil War landscape. Sometimes they masquerade as Confederates, and others as Yankees. When they arrive at the cemetery and find the treasure is when the REAL violence begins...



  • Why Did the Color Change?

    By JacobKitts
    I bought this movie last year, and the picture looked amazing! However, the color grade has suddenly changed. The final duel now has a gross green and yellow look, when the colors looked natural just a year ago. The skin tone is totally off, and its clear they swapped out the digital file with a new one. Why make this change? From what I can tell by looking up older clips, the original film in 1966 didnt look this way. A modern film grade on a classic film makes no sense. Please restore it. Sergio Leones vision should be respected.
  • Best western movie ever to be made.

    By johnny pepper seed
    Honestly this movie is genius and perfect. I love every second of it and i want to be able to have it forever. Clint Eastwood is the best actor.

    By DeathShadow0122
    This the best western if not one of the best movie of all time. Pretty much everything in this movie is perfect like even the soundtrack is a masterpiece. If you like western movies than I would strongly recommend for you to watch this one.
  • My Review

    By HEXN3T
    A small amount of great, a little more excellent, and the rest is exceptional. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is a cinematic masterpiece with an amazing musical score to go with it.
  • Utter masterpiece !!

    By carl hemmings
    If you’re the kind of person who likes a great western look no further the grand daddy of all spaghetti westerns will not disappoint ( spaghetti westerns because they were filmed in Spain or Italy) moody full of gunplay ,I promise you’ll love it for ever
  • Great classic cinema

    By chillitstony
    Clint Eastwood’s most remarkable
  • Interesting

    By yothehdw
    It was cool but kind of a strange movie
  • Extended Version

    By Grumpy109
    Apple iTunes conveniently forgot to mention in the description that this is the extended version. It has several deleted scenes which explained a few things in the story. I have both the theatrical version and this extended version. Both are excellent. Really timeless.
  • Mostly great

    By Furutan1
    This is the Sergio classic. The civil war junk in the middle (in which desert did they have a major Civil War battle - I forget) could easily have been cut, but what you want is Eastwood, Wallach, they yodeling and the trumpet. Screen accurate serapes are available on the get, as are bolero hats, cheap whiskey and skinny little cigars. Stock up and have fun.
  • The Best Western of All Time!

    By Omnithomas
    5/5 +1 Legendary movie
