The Day the Earth Stood Still

The Day the Earth Stood Still

By Robert Wise

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1951-09-28
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 32min
  • Director: Robert Wise
  • Production Company: Phoenix Entertainment
  • Production Country: Japan
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 5 Ratings


The Day The Earth Stood Still depicts the arrival of an alien dignitary, Klaatu (Michael Rennie), who has come to earth with his deadly robot, Gort (Lock Martin), to deliver the message that earthlings must stop warring among themselves--or else. After being shot at by military guards, Klaatu is brought to a Washington, D.C. hospital, where he begs a sympathetic but frank Major White (Robert Osterloh) to gather all the world's leaders so he can tell them more specifically what he has come to warn them about. Losing patience, Klaatu slips into the human world, adapting a false identity and living at a boarding house where he meets a smart woman with a conscience and her inquisitive son. Both mother and son soon find themselves embroiled in the complex mystery of Klaatu, his message and the government's witch hunt for the alien.  Seen by many as a political, religious and humanitarian effort, the film is based on Harry Bates’ story, "Farewell to the Master."



  • Love it

    By Bjverzal
    This movie has always been a favourite of mine. Good clean Syfy. Dislike the remake. Terrible.
  • Wrong Man

    By nettalk
    It was Sam Jaffee (Einstein look-alike) who organized the meeting of scientists -- wish Apple would really watch movies before they did the write up. It is STILL the greatest SCI-Fi movie of ALL time despite no light sabers, laser blasts and death stars.
  • Classics are better.

    By TomFeagans
    Will say that if like the remakes of any of these clasic movies then you are addicted to special effects. The classics (War of the Worlds, Day the Earth Stood Still, etc) relied on good stories, good acting and the willingness of people to buy into the story. The newer effects-heavy films (Star Trek Beyond, Gods of Egypt, etc) have great opening weekends and then lose many viewers dut to no story to match the effects.
  • So much better than the remake

    By KojakLincoln
    This is the classic, the one to see. The remake is the touchy feely attempt to do this one better, it fails. Watch this one!
  • Can never watch enough of it

    By Appleisfun
    Just love these classics sci fi movies.

    By Person of Few Words
    Not only is this just a great movie in general, it helps us to understand other cultures as well. Also, see this over the remake.
  • A movie that reflects the values of the times that are now lost to history...

    By Tonjim
    Wonderful SCIFI classic! Great morality and so forward looking for its time. I am as charmed now as when I was I kid (but for different reasons). In that era Government was to be trusted and school kids looked up to Scientists! Brutality of total war was still fresh in the minds of our people and the movie shows a hope for a higher calling and a better world. It is a keeper!
  • Not to be missed

    By Delegateman
    This is SF gold - directed by The Sound of Music's Robert Wise - a real genius. Rather than shoe-horn some big name "star" in the key role Wise went out and found Michael Rennie, whose accent and look is just a little off center and different - as it should be since he ain't from around here boys and girls! And the message is clear and believable - clean up your room kids or Mom and Dad will clean it up for you - and you won't like that at all. Check out the story this film is based on sometime - Farewell to the Master. Gort is a bit different in that tale. Worth your time sports fans. Compare the recent remake too - my mother said if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all which is good advice which I hereby adopt. Cheers, The Whispering Squash
  • New -vs- Old "The Day The Earth Stood Still"

    By battastic
    After years of searching I finally got this movie and am currently watching it on my new I pad. Fantastic to believe that its still as good to watch today as it was when it first came out. MUCH better then the re-make that came out a few yrs ago...
  • Great movie!

    By Madmike177
    The original was so much better than the crummy remake which took computer graphics to a new level. There were a few cheesy bits in the original like coming from "250 million miles" (about the distance to Mars) but that's 1951 technology. Still a classic though.
