Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Director's Edition

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Director's Edition

By Robert Wise

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1979-12-07
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 2h 16min
  • Director: Robert Wise
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,753 Ratings


The U.S.S. Enterprise proudly soars again in this newly restored, Director's Edition of the original Star Trek movie classic. When an unidentified alien destroys three powerful Klingon cruisers, Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) returns to the newly transformed U.S.S. Enterprise to take command. Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley and the cast from the acclaimed Star Trek television series mobilize at warp speed to stop the alien intruder from its relentless flight toward Earth.



  • Long movie

    By Reckia6
    This is a good movie but it could have been better if it was shorter…and more fast moving…and far less boring. It’s a chore to sit through the whole thing without yawning or falling asleep. It is nice to see all the cast members from the tv show and even for a lesser Star Trek movie it’s still pretty good. I think this would have made a better episode of Star Trek than a movie, though..
  • An Okay Film Made Masterful

    By Unknown Jaws 3, 2, 1 and 007
    My favorite Star Trek film for the longest time was The Voyage Home. As a Star Wars fan, it appealed to me the most. But, after a re-watch of all twelve Trek films, Star Trek I: The Motion Picture – The Director's Edition is by far my favorite. With this cut, Wise not only made a masterpiece, but an experience. Something that leaped beyond just being a motion picture. If you were to ask me which is the best Trek film, I would say either this or The Wrath of Khan. If you've never seen the film, watch this version! Skip the theatrical cut! And if you have only seen the theatrical cut, watch this movie as a double feature with The Wrath of Khan. You will realize what a perfect bond they form. 4/4 Stars.
  • Actually worse than the original

    By gmehal
    I was so excited to see this directors cut of a movie I have been a fan of for many years. After downloading and watching the movie for the first half hour I noticed the subpar quality which I now understand to be standard definition not high definition. I actually went back and watched the original non-directors cut and the quality is unbelievably better. Hard for me to Watch the directors cut even with the new scenes. That it seems her absolutely not worth the extremely low quality of the picture. I feel like I've been ripped off
  • Why not in HD

    By KrunchDown
    This is the only Director’s Cut that’s SD. Will buy it if made available for sale in HD only
  • THIS is the movie that started EVERYTHING

    By thefonso
    I saw the original as a child….THIS is the movie that started EVERYTHING. The following films the resurgence of Trek on TV, everything….and this REMASTERED and RECUT version with UPDATED CGI and AUDIO….it should have been re-released in theaters for the world to see…DEAR APPLE please release the DIRECTORS CUT in HD!
  • Star Trek motion picture

    By Go Trekkies!!
    LOVER OF STAR TREK!!! I love all the movies they've made and this is great too!
  • Last Star Trek film to get the HD treatment

    By IcarasX
    Would have loved to pick this up on this week's Star Trek $9.99 HD sale, unfortunately this appears to be the ONLY Star Trek film without an HD version on the iTunes store still! Been waiting…waiting…waiting….
  • Newly restored??

    By The Amazing Tarquin
    This was not the newly restored edition. it was faded and all the graphics had dark matted black halo's around them. I have seen the restored edition and it is why downloaded this but I got ripped. This is the old version
  • Don't know why this is considered one of the worst.

    By bernardj
    I very much enjoyed the movie. I suppose the original theatrical version could be worse, but I can't imagine it being much worse. Not the most action-packed Star Trek, but I found it very entertaining.
  • Adventure At It's Finest

    By weaselmac73
    I think the big issue, with how people accept this movie today, has a lot to do with the fact I think many who judge it now were not around in 1979 to understand its place in Star Trekdom. It was the rebirth of a franchise in a breath-taking way. The film is filled with some of the most amazing and sophisticated special effects, that I think still rivals some of the CGI we have been fed in more recent years. Don't misunderstand me, CGI has come a long way, and movies like Avatar are gorgeous. However, STTMP I think still has some of the most beautiful special effects in the history of large-budget sci-fi feature films. And that should come as no surprise given the same man that gave us the amazing effects of Close Encounters also gave us this masterpiece. It was just a good space adventure. It wasn't a blockbuster, that I will give you. But it was a story that was well written, and produced in a thorough fashion. The film progressed nicely. It wasn't choppy or disjointed, although maybe a little slow in development. The one criticism I have with this movie was the wardrobe. Those uniforms looked awful, even then. The blood-red tunics used the rest of the way in the TOS movies was much more tasteful. However, the monochromatic look for sci-fi was very in in 1979, so it mirrored the times, even though I never fell for it then. Of course this movie looks a little lacking compared to the movies that followed. It was a first time out in many ways. But I think it came off well. The director's cut made some subtle modifications to some SFX that I think work very well, especially with the V'Ger meeting where they redid the "floor" forming in front of the Enterprise so the crew could walk to see V'Ger. I only wish they could CGI those uniforms into something less gross.
