Hot Rod

Hot Rod

By Akiva Schaffer

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2007-08-03
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 27min
  • Director: Akiva Schaffer
  • Production Company: Monogram Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3 Ratings


Andy Samberg (Saturday Night Live) stars as Rod Kimble, a stunt man with a fake mustache and a dream, in this outrageous comedy so unpredictable you won't know what hit you! Rod has never landed a jump without wiping out. His family and friends think he’s a joke. And, to top it off, his stepfather Frank uses him as his own personal punching bag. But he's not going to let a few minor problems keep him from the biggest stunt of his life! Co-starring Isla Fisher (Wedding Crashers) and Ian McShane (Shrek the Third), Hot Rod is "very, very funny from start to finish"* and scales the heights of hilarity as Rod defies death to win the money, win the girl and, ultimately, win some respect.



  • This movie saved my life

    By Capt. Sav-A-Ho
    The only reprieve from my crippling anxiety. Forever grateful.
  • Perfection

    By evan11paul
  • Yeeeessss

    By Notbradcrane(trustme)
    The 1 star reviews are the people who only watched it once or it was a technical problem. This is the worlds best move can’t say enough about how good it is
  • The first stunt is epic

    By JustWantToBeEntertained
    If you like the first stunt, you’ll enjoy the rest of the movie.
  • I don’t understand why people love this and I like all these guys

    By ckanow
    The movie was Ok. It had some funny gags. I have no idea why people love it so much. I did not laugh out loud once and only chuckled a few times. Most of the jokes fell flat and that is a tough sell for 90 minutes of your time + the cost of watching it. Definitely not must see and not one of the funniest movies ever. Pales in comparison to Samberg’s masterpiece 7 Days in Hell.
  • Lol @ critics

    By DanielManning
    They clearly are a bit too snobby. Is it the funniest movie ever? Nah, but it’s still a decent laugh. Not everything needs to be clever or well constructed. Sometimes the simple, dumb, and ridiculous can be funny, and no one is worse for laughing at it.
  • Best movie

    By jake_hi55
    This movie made me cry from laughing so much. My friends and I also walk around school saying WHISKEY!!
  • A classic

    By taybaby307
    It’s a stupid funny movie! It’s only for funny people 🥰😂
  • Cold Rod

    By Jcollins2020
    I would recommend waiting until it’s a 99 cent rental
  • "And I like to party"

    By Jackwagon9889
    Probably still one of my favorite movies
