Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping

Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping

By Akiva Schaffer & Jorma Taccone

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2016-06-03
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 26min
  • Director: Akiva Schaffer & Jorma Taccone
  • Production Company: Universal Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America, China
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,256 Ratings


After a two-year, sold-out, worldwide tour, Conner4Real (Andy Samberg) is the biggest name in music. Go behind the scenes as Conner faces a crisis of popularity after this sophomore album flops, leaving fans, sycophants and rivals all wondering what to do when Conner4Real is no longer the dopest star of all. The hilarious comedy from blockbuster producer Judd Apatow (Trainwreck, Superbad, Knocked Up) and digital short superstars, The Lonely Island, is loaded with cameos from the biggest names in comedy and music.



  • Don’t Sleep on this like Colbert.

    By CrispyPolinsky
    Just recently found out that Stephen Colbert found out about this movie... in 2020. Tgat’s a crime as this movie is gold! Covid robbed us of a Ras Trent feature... don’t deny this.
  • More people need to see this movie!

    By Ramosweed1
    This was a master piece!!!!! Such a good movie!!! Sad not many people saw it due to the low promoting it in air time commercials
  • Great Movie!!

    By ZaneB0223
    This is definitely a hidden gem!!
  • Hilarious

    By millerjordan14
    If you don’t understand how funny this is I feel bad for you. The jokes, references, wit make for a great comedy. I find myself rewatching this often and the soundtrack is on repeat. 11/10
  • Really? This is all Hollywood could come up with?

    By D.N.TN
    You know, it is now getting the point that Hollywood films are becoming more trash and garbage that most landfills hold. Utter trash!!
  • Holy crap!

    By Anonymous 35467
    I wasn’t expecting a movie THIS good, but it was. The trailer doesn’t make it look that funny, but the good thing is that it also doesn’t expose the best parts. Trust me, you’ll want to see this.
  • ز

    By غ حصغصحقكاثت
    سكخغطوطظىاظزحظطنيايسثماشاء الله تبارك الله الف الف الف مبروووووكسقظ
  • Hilarious!!

    By Fireace08
    Funniest movie I've seen in years!!
  • Amazing

    By kat_rose_griffith
    Beautiful and hilarious I loved every moment of this movie. The lonely island was funny while making great music, as usual. I think the reason that this movie didn't kill it in the box office is just because the marketing wasn't very good, I didn't even know it existed until it wasn't playing in theaters anymore. But it was a great movie that deserves way more credit!
  • Hilarious

    By Jdog7643
    Great movie if youre into dumb comedy like i am. I loved that they put in lonely island easter eggs through out the movie because it brought back memories from when the were the lonely island and it shows kind of a true story because andy samberg has become bigger than the other 2
