In the Land of Women

In the Land of Women

By Jon Kasdan

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2007-07-26
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 38min
  • Director: Jon Kasdan
  • Production Company: Castle Rock Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 492 Ratings


Jonathan Kasdan makes his directorial debut with a romantic dramedyabout trying to make sense of love.Devastated by the recent breakup withhis true love, twentysomething writer Carter Webb (Adam Brody--"TheO.C.") escapes Los Angeles for suburban Michigan to care for his ailinggrandmother (Academy Award® winner Olympia Dukakis--Moonstruck). Soonafter his arrival, he stumbles into the lives of the women across thestreet: a mother (Meg Ryan--When Harry Met Sally) and her two daughters.In the midst of all these women, Carter soon discovers that what feltlike an end was really just the beginning of something else..



  • Had its moments

    By binghamc
    I wouldn't call this a comedy. It had its cute moments but it was more of a bittersweet drama. It was slow it spots. If you're a fan of Meg Ryan or Kristen Stewart you won't be disappointed. The little girl and Dukakis were the best part.
  • Interesting

    By carried_away39
    This movie was good at some parts, and just okay at others. The actors were great, but the plot was a little…strange and unsettling. Also, the end felt a little short. I would've liked the ending to to be drawn out a bit more. Besides that, I'm glad I watched this movie just because it's something different.

    By wjfo3nfoi3nfpn3f
    i watched this movie loving adam brody, his acting was great as always but the movie was just so fake, everyone else had very bad acting skills, the plot line was terrible, and the movie was soooooo boring
  • IDK

    By ImANotSoNiceWord
    Well Adam was really good in it, um IDK about the rest when I watch this it is usually when I dont feel like changing the channel or it is stuck on life time (GOD FORBID)!
  • Don't bother

    By Musical Arielle
    In the Land of Women is a bizarre little film showcasing twisted relationships and an extremely confused and somewhat disturbing Adam Brody. Kristen Stewart's acting is terrible, Adam Brody does his best to give life to a dead in the water character, and Meg Ryan shows us exactly how a mother SHOULDN'T be. The film's trailer makes it out to be deceptively funny, when in reality there is very little to laugh at in this odd amalgumation of decent casting and pathetic storytelling. If you want to waste your time it's your choice, but this movie has been mislabeled a comedy and is in fact a dark and strange drama with nothing to recommend it unless you love Adam Brody enough to suffer through it just to look at him.
  • amazing

    By popyogurt
    it's an amazing a charming movie!!! I loved it.
  • Its good for a bit

    By amateurlion76
    This movie starts out well enough. I mean its funny, moving, entertaining, all that I expected it to be. But towards the end, I felt like it was really lacking. By the conclusion of the film, i was really unsatisfied, as if there was something more that should've been there but wasn't. Overall, it was a wonderful movie. But the ending wasn't as fulfilling as it could've been
  • all i gotta say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

    By kRiStInA lOvEs tWiLiGhT!!!!!
    this movie was SUPRISINGLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the acting was EXCELLENT especially from Meg Ryan and Kristen Stewart(my idol by the way). I would definitely recommend this movie to ANYONE, lookin for a chick-flick movie night with ur best girlfriends this is the one!!!!!!! would rate it higher if i could!!!
  • A Hearty and Well Done Movie..

    By why not face-to-face
    In the Land of Women is a well-done movie. Made me laugh, cry and cringe. However, there is a situation that makes the movie very emotional. This movie will make you choke up and open your eyes. My only negative is that Adam Brody has an uncomfortable and frankly inappropriate relationship between Kristen Stewart and Meg Ryan at one point in the movie. Nevertheless, this movie is fantastic and is a must see! It was well done, actors worked well together and there was a satisfying and good conclusion. Definitely worth renting!
  • In the Land of Women

    By Evdesign
    Hated it! Sorry, adultery and stupidity do not entertain me.
