Best Defense

Best Defense

By Willard Huyck

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 1984-07-20
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Willard Huyck
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 117 Ratings


If you're out to build the ultimate Super Tank/Super Weapon, and you find out Dudley Moore has something to do with designing the missile guidance system, you've got to be concerned. Then, when you find out Eddie Murphy is going to test the tank in an actual combat situation, you ought to forget about it all together. Luckily for us, the government and Dynatechnics Incorporated don't know Moore and Murphy like we do. And both comics are turned loose on a high tech, high touched adventure that sets modern warfare back a couple of hundred years.



  • of all the films, they pick *this*?

    By Weathead
    I guess you will see a lot of reviews by people who still haven't gotten the bad taste out of their mouth from seeing this in theaters. Add me. One of the few films I've walked out on. Why this was chosen to add to the sparse iTMS movie collection is beyond me. I give it one sad, rusty, boring little star.
  • Not Worth The Disk Space

    By dealloc
    I saw this in theaters when it first came out. Murphy and Moore can both be pretty entertaining, so together they should be great, right? Not with this script. Moore's character and Murphy's never even meet. Moore is designing a tank, and some time in the future Murphy is trying to use it. The two story lines are then interspersed to show cause and effect, as the high-tech tank malfunctions time and again --- and even that's not as funny as it may sound. "The Best Defense" is a bomb.
  • if i could give it no stars I would

    By billykapp
    i saw it many years ago... just plain a waist of time! dont bother even if the preview looks ok/funny it is NOT!
  • eddie murphy's nightmare

    By dometrias
    this is the movie that almost ruined his career
  • Terrible

    By Upstate NY
    I remember kicking myself for being fooled into paying six bucks to see this in the theaters. The movie is unfunny and tedious. Eddie Murphy's appearances amount to little more than some extended cameos, and he can't save this worthless outing.
