Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

By Steven Spielberg

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1984-05-23
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 58min
  • Director: Steven Spielberg
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 16.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 9,421 Ratings


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom brings you non-stop thrills and excitement like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Indy (Harrison Ford), his sidekick Short Round and nightclub singer Willie Scott (Kate Capshaw) go from high-flying action above the Himalayas to a nail-biting runaway mine car chase and finally a spine-tingling escape from a fortress-like mine in India. Hang on tight as the world’s ultimate action hero takes you on a heart-pumping roller-coaster ride of adventure that’s guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.



  • The Best Indiana Jones Bar None!

    By Wodehousesmodehouse
    A lighthearted comedy and adventure for all ages. With some monkey brains and hearts being pulled out.
  • Not the best entry

    By Afurokhan
    Indiana Jones is supposed to be a fun, light, whimsical adventure story. And while Temple was not bad, it’s unnecessarily too dark and serious, and that’s its weakness. I’m glad the series was redeemed with Crusade.
  • El templo de la perdición

    By marquitos el mogotes
  • Harrison Ford tho...

    By Njnoi
    This is the hottest Harrison Ford ever looked. That’s worth it alone.
  • Love it

    By st math is a dumpster!
    It’s so good the thing I can say is it’s so good I don’t know what to say!
  • Like it.

    By Tboerio
    Raiders and temple of doom are both super good! But last crusade and kingdom of the crystal skull 💀 were not as intense and cool. The first three movies were definitely super good!
  • An amazing sequel with heart stopping action

    By Nicholas becerra
    Short Round was a cute character but The Temple of Doom is interesting and incredible to watch. This may not be the best sequel in it's ador action scenes are very well chorographed.
  • Not a very good movie

    By qwerty85804
    The entire film is a racist and sexist stereotype, from Short Round to Malurum. The villians and effects were cheesy. And, it’s unpleasant to watch. (Hence PG-13) Harrison Ford was good, but that was it. Nothing like Raiders Of The Ark.
  • Great movie but pretty dark.

    By Al Tilley The Bum
    I know my dad wasn’t crazy about this installment because of monkey brains and Mola Ram pulling the sacrifice victims heart out but I found this to be pretty funny at times. This is set a year before the first film which was a little tamer than this. I didn’t find this to be gruesome or grisly at all. Steven Spielberg did a nice job just like Raiders.
  • Yayyyy

    By Jonoether
    The person who wrote my opinion on critics I love you I feel your pain I hate swearing but people really get me triggered!!!!!
