My Life

My Life

By Bruce Joel Rubin

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1993-11-12
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 56min
  • Director: Bruce Joel Rubin
  • Production Company: Pirexia Films
  • Production Country: Mexico
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 13 Ratings


Michael Keaton is a young ad executive who discovers he is dying of cancer, just as he and his wife are expecting their first child. Deciding to make a video of his life as a gift for the child he may never know, he embarks on a journey of self discovery, confronting his painful past.



  • One of my Favourite all time movies

    By hunkyjim
    For some reason I originally watched this at Middle School in Health Class and everyone was crying.. Teacher as well. It's a very sad story but I thought it was handled very well. I still watch it about once a year and recommend to everyone I know.
  • My life literally

    By Johnny Majik
    Saw this when I was 10 years old try to watch it annually always break down ...bad....resonates and parallels my life. Saw it tonite cried to point of no return. Would like to share this with my own family day :(
  • This movie WILL make you cry.

    By MatthewJJohnson
    I don't usually cry at movies....certainly not several times during the course of it....but this movie really hits home. I makes you realize that you should not be waiting until you are facing death to find peace in this world. There are moments where the movie is a bit cliche. But I still thinks it works here. I'm just glad I didn't watch it in front of the family! ;-)
  • Tear jerker

    By ten04_1
    Movie was very emotional. Worth watching and teaches a good life lesson.
  • my life

    By thebestmovieever
    I saw this movie a long time ago. Prob. 7 yearas ago. which was when i was ten.You don't remember many things at that age, but i deff. remembered this movie. It's one of my Fav. I recommend it
  • Hits Home

    By Mitee47
    I'll never forget seeing this movie in the theater for the first time not really knowing exactly what it was about, only that Micheal Keaton was in it and I'm a big fan. But just 2 weeks earlier my grandfather died of cancer. This movie was gut-wrenching to watch to the point I left the theater sobbing. This is one of those rare movies where you see a man cut down in the prime of his life, but has the courage to face it and then use the time he has left to leave a life-long legacy for his unborn child whom he'll really never know. The acting is superb and the story is simple but amazing to witness on the screen as you see the gradual decline in health. The movie truely carries you with him. It's a classic and truely a must-have and should be shared. It's a gift...
  • Tearjerker of the highest order!

    By iMaki
    If you don't like to cry, avoid this movie! Dealing with the reality of death when there is so much to live for is a dynamic few of us can imagine. Watching this man cling to life and finally accepting death leaving his baby and wife behind is beyond sad. What he leaves behind though, is unforgettable. He erases some regrets along the way. No one should die with regrets. The scene at the end is beautiful. He finally makes the climb to the top (not telling what) and let's go! I have't been able to watch this movie a second time, but I'm glad I saw it.
  • wow

    By nicnoc27
    when i saw this on itunes i didnt expect much, but i got it anyway because my fave actress/person nicole kidman was in it. but WOW was i suprised. definetly one of my favorite movies (moulin rouge being my #1) ((that also stars nicole kidman)). my life was amazing. both michael keaton and nicole shined in it. great story.
  • In my top 10!

    By spaz1967
    I don't recall how or when I first saw this movie, but it has been in my top 10 ever since. Michael does an outstanding job - - and it shows the importance of bringing closure to past events in order to move on peacefully. Thanks for putting this on here!!
