

By Lucky McKee

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 1996-12-20
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 33min
  • Director: Lucky McKee
  • Production Company: A Loopy Production LLC
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 628 Ratings


Nobody knows what to make of May (Angela Bettis). Born with a lazy eye, for which she wore a patch while growing up, she became a loner oddball whose only friend was a perfectly kept doll. She moves to L.A. and takes up with a filmmaker (Jeremy Sisto), but the relationship sours quickly -- and dangerously. She then befriends an alluring lesbian colleague (Anna Faris), but that, too, along with every connection May attempts to make, turns deadly.



  • F*** Yeah

    By Yuriko J
    This really builds. It's like awkward indie romcom to no no no NO NO horror in 90 minutes.
  • Pretty, and achingly sad

    By EmitunesFan
    A film that is as pretty and achingly sad as its main character, played sweetly by Angela Bettis. Jeremy Sisto is so hot in this omg! (did I just write that?) Ahem… A good movie in the same way that Carrie is, I felt compassion and heartbreak for May.
  • Excellent performances and awkwardly creepy

    By Nottil
    First things first, The HD version is widescreen not fullscreen as stated in the details section. So, buy with confidence you are not getting pan & scammed. Don’t know about the regular def version so beware. This is a great little movie and the performances are well up to par. Saw it on cable late one night a decade ago and was pulled in. Some of the scenes make you cringe due to them being embarrassingly close to normal but are just beyond acceptable behavior….and I don’t mean the gore. As an avid movie watcher for 45+ years, I’ve seen many disappointing movies that just don’t cut it. This one was a hidden gem for me. An unexpected surprise. May, is a wonderful role well played showing the female of the species is just as capable of being as twisted, sick and disturbing as the male. Excellent. There is some gore and its well done. Enough for most gore-hounds to soak up and I include myself in that group when the mood strikes me. Maybe not a great date movie but now I have the WS HD version, I might introduce May to my wife and get her take.
  • So creepy

    By natashathomas
    I still remember watching this when I was like in the 5th grade and I’m in college now… That’s how much it creeped me out. I have watched A LOT of horror movies since then but nothing else has really freaked me out the way this did…. Also I must add, I’ve never actually watched it again after that one time but maybe I might? :o

    By cnmt77
    PRETTY DARN GOOD FOR A FREAK SHOW. WHEN I WAS DONE WATCHING THIS MOVIE, MY MOUTH WAS TWISTED SIDE WAYS and I couldn't MOVE:/ I was like.. what?????????lol...........Im yeah rent this movie or buy it and watch it and you will be scar-d too...
  • Most Disturbing Movie EVER made

    By hitherehobos
    This movie was honestly the most disturbing thing I have ever seen....just plain weird. May should be in a pysh ward. Shes a freaking pyscho. and for all of her friends who betrayed her, seriously? who would ever befriend an insane pyschopathic weirdo like May? From the very beginning you could tell she was petculiar, but no. Be nice to the weird girl. And see what happens? she freaking amputates your limbs so she can make the best friend she never had....gee, I wonder why she never had a best friend...oh wait, she was too crazy and weird to even get to that stage. so stupid.
  • June

    By The Wolves
  • Lol

    By Alisharuth<33
    I LOVED IT!!it's not scary tho it's halarious!:-)
  • Ok

    By Me10000$;)
    From the movie preview it's crazy but I don't want to waste my money on a romantic horror.
  • stupide

    By Bernieeeee64
    im a huge horror film adict and this movie is hands down horror-ible i hated it and so did the friends i watched it with
