The Woman

The Woman

By Lucky McKee

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2011-09-30
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 43min
  • Director: Lucky McKee
  • Production Company: Modernciné
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 541 Ratings


Almost a decade after Lucky McKee burst upon the indie horror scene and became a 'Master of Horror' in the making thanks to his directorial debut May, he teamed up with legendary cult author Jack Ketchum for his most shocking and brutal film to date: The Woman, an instant cause célèbre on its Sundance premiere. The Woman (Pollyanna McIntosh, The Walking Dead) is the last surviving member of a deadly clan of feral cannibals that has roamed the American wilderness for decades. When successful country lawyer Chris Cleek (Sean Bridgers, Room) stumbles upon her whilst hunting in the woods, he decides to capture and "civilize" her with the help of his seemingly perfect all-American family, including his wife Belle (Angela Bettis, May) and daughter Peggy (Lauren Ashley Carter, Darling). The Cleeks will soon learn, however, that hell hath no fury like The Woman scorned...



  • LOVED!!

    By Random name idk vans shoes?
    alright, so i’m going to start this review by clarifying something; there are going to be people who accuse this film of being “too feminist” or “man-hating” before they watch it, but trust me, it is not. this film displays a PERFECT representation of misogyny and violence against women. i’m 16 years old and i’ve watched hundreds of horror films yet this one really stuck with me. it has the tone of a horror-comedy (despite it being far from comedic) which i found to be strange yet effective and in a way, artistic. one criticism that i have is that the beginning montage which lasts around 3 minutes was not good. after seeing that i had extremely low expectations for this film but after that, things started to pick up. also, if you like gore, you’ll enjoy this film. overall, this movie was amazing, a 10/10. it was so good that i’m even considering purchasing this movie to own. watch this movie, you won’t regret it.
  • Dope

    By nature23
    Natural Born Killers meets American Beauty
  • Ok, I guess

    By Shockwave666
    The book was pretty good, but the soundtrack completely drowned out the tone of the movie and the music itself was the same terrible indy-rock band for every song. I mean I get it they needed to fill up extra time with montages but the tunes didn’t even match the context. It’s like “oh this is sad, but let’s stomp our feet to this low-rent acoustic jam!”
  • Feminist bull

    By Aponte360
    This movie has every single cliche and phrases feminists use ( boys will be boys blah blah) and men are bad rapists and women are victims but then heroes. Don’t waste your money
  • THE WOMAN is wild!

    By GagaMaggot
    This movie is incredible. Killer soundtrack!